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Messages - McConaughey1984

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Vampires Lore
« on: May 17, 2012, 02:28:44 AM »
 I'm not sure if this was word of Jim or just something that was tossed around here but, I think there are three types of BCV. The first is the just above zombie level of functioning
(click to show/hide)
, the higher level BCV can spawn the lower level BCV but can't make a BCV that can function without guidance
(click to show/hide)
, then we have a master BCV thst can not only make other BCV but can make other thinking BCV and other masters. A BCV of the second level could spawn a large number but they are of very limited use. Masters are too smart to make a huge horde and get noticed. For the game I would say there should be enough first level vamps at any one time to pose a threat to the group and unless they get the higher ups they will just replace them. I would not say that the scourge would not grow exponentially because either it can't be of much use(level two BCV) or it won't (master is to smart).       

DFRPG / Re: Elements
« on: May 03, 2012, 09:45:34 AM »
Yes! This is exactly what I was hopping for thank you all, this input will help greatly in an up coming game. And please if anyone has more to add do so.


DFRPG / Re: Elements
« on: May 02, 2012, 11:49:11 PM »
First of all thanks to all for responding. Second yes it seems some elements are more obvious to effect things but with a little thought you could get around that. You could alter sound by controlling the water vapor in the air or by heating or cooling the air. You could alter the gravity by removing heat in the ground causing it to be more dense (ok that last one is a bit of a stretch but hey the GM might allow it). The use of FATE points can add aspects to the scene but that is not part of the elements themselves.
 Once again thanks to all for responding 

DFRPG / Elements
« on: May 02, 2012, 01:03:11 PM »
 OK this has been bothering me for some time and I thought I might make a post so here goes. The DFRPG books seem to make it an important point that you are restricted to three elements for evocation (you can only add elements with the purchase of the refinement ability) and one for channeling but you can accomplish any effect with any element. Now I don't advocate people with channeling should not be able to do effect because they don't have the right element. I do feel like there should be some way of differentiating the elements other than the game fluff( like the difference mentioned about how a water shield uses entropy to stop an attack and a fire shield uses heat to burn away the attack and so on). In other types of games I would suggest just adding a small bonus of some sort to each element( like a +1 to damage for fire or something). The problem here is that even a +1 bonus is a big deal in DFRPG. So any thoughts?

In the Books I would say that the answer is somewhat up for debate but for whatever reason the White God seems to have the Largest metaphysical/supernatural stones and no single other source we have yet met can go one on one. In game terms though we do have the  Supernatural Heavyweights listed on Our World page 28 and the White God is at the top of that list, and his/its form of sponsored magic is the most powerful. So it seems to me that the game would usually default to Ultimate Good as it was put at the beginning of the post. I also feel that this system is incredibly versatile and if in a particular group they want it to not be so and have powers equal to or greater the game would be able to accommodate that easily. But that is just my two cents.

DFRPG / Re: The Dragonknight
« on: June 20, 2010, 10:24:19 AM »
Will Aemon Prince have a nemesis named Robert King ( or Robert Stag) fighting for the had of a certain dark haired wolf girl( possibly a werewolf )  ;D

DFRPG / Re: Supernatural Muslim Fighters
« on: June 20, 2010, 10:19:35 AM »
Look at the Sufi and the Dervishes(from Persian درویش, Darvīsh). Sufism is the mystical aspect/side of Islam and the practitioners. It would be a sort of Faith magic thing if that was a way you wanted to go. If you wanted to go more sword combat style the look at the Hashishin. I also like the idea of having weapons that incorporate holy items from Islam in a similar fashion to the swords of the cross( hey if the White God thought it was cool for the crusifiction artifacts why not others)

DFRPG / Re: Question on Vampires
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:37:13 PM »
Michael,HandofGod thank you for broaching the subject that has been on my mind for a time. The whole pink gray dark red vampire question has been plaguing my waking hours. As a question of game mechanics I feel that court mixing is doable, the Dredenverse ok not ok aspect is a murky one. First I think we must determine if the different courts are just different flavors of the same demon interacting with our world or is each one a unique type of demon. At this point I don't recall Jim differentiating the demons other than weaknesses and feeding. Until Jim says or writes on the subject I say GM's discretion     

DFRPG / Re: Allies, Minions, Cohorts, Apprentices, and similar
« on: May 26, 2010, 10:50:32 PM »
I would use an aspect that way you can invoke them with a fate point and get a fate point when they are invoked against you.

DFRPG / Re: Focus items and elements
« on: May 26, 2010, 10:42:28 PM »
also don't forget you can split up refinement and get 1 specialization + 1 focus item ( in the Harry Billy exchange YS page 182)

DFRPG / Re: Glamours
« on: May 25, 2010, 10:36:08 AM »
thanks all I now can ring a clear consensus to the GM

DFRPG / Glamours
« on: May 24, 2010, 11:16:42 PM »
Hey I just wanted to see if I could get a consensus or perhaps a ruling from the designers, I,m in a game and one of my fellow PCs has glamours that he used to veil an object. The GM wanted him to mark off a mental stress like with evocation ( I'm playing a wizard so the GM just finished boning up on magic rules) My friend said that in the description of Glamours it does not say it requires a mental stress ( we looked at the description and it does not YS 166) but it is still quick magic. for the moment we just moved on but we would like to see what the designers/other players think.

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