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Messages - Galeshi1

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Question on the Spellcasting Powers Thaumaturgy and Evocation.
« on: April 21, 2010, 10:34:08 AM »
So. I have a character in my game I'm planning on running that wants to obtain one of these, but not the other. My question is:

Do you need to use the templates (Wizard or Sorcerer)specifically? Most evidence points to the idea of yes (The fact that Channeling is -2, and Evocation is -3), but little things point to no, such as Unseelie magic costing less for EITHER of the powers being owned, and giving a total of +2 to the cost of Unseelie magic if you have both. If not, why is channeling so expensive, compared to evocation? If so, how would you inspire a character starting in a "feet in the water" campaign to grow into a white council wizard?

Another question I have is this: would it make sense to make evocation and/or thaumaturgy easier to purchase with the ability to use Unseelie Magic.

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