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Messages - Brock

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Autumn and Spring Courts
« on: May 07, 2010, 10:00:08 PM »
Perhaps they are better used when their respective seasons are in order.  as Winter begins to wane, the Spring Court (consisting only of Dukes and Barons) are called to service for the Summer Court and the inverse for Autumn and Winter.

You could easily have the Gruff's showing up as part of one court or the other and some very interesting creatures in the mix that are there as facilitators to ensure that Winter loses power and Summer regains it, etc.

Then if you use the Summer Knight plot, it could easily be that someone struck a bargain along the way to keep the involvement of the Spring/Autumn court out of it.

This leaves the Erl King as his own entity, as a neutral party and the Spring/Autumn court having no ill will or battle against each other. They only work for the Queens that give them their fiefs.

DFRPG / Re: Another sample characters thread (Young Wardens)
« on: May 06, 2010, 05:51:30 PM »
I think the aspects are little too long, too clunky.  The point is to come up with an idea (which yours were excellent) and expand on them, condense them in to something that's frequently usable. 

Here's my suggestions that should help make them more tagable for players and GM's.

Byron Hall
High Concept: Wizard from the ‘hood
Trouble: Power has a purpose
P1:  Miser
P2:  It’s better than prison
P3:  Swing Right
P4:  goodness ain't always badness
P5:  alpha dog

Xiao Jing-Wei
High Concept: Warden Enchantress
Trouble: You dont always get what you pay for
P1:  Shattered dreams
P2:  Miracles happen / Unimpossible / How the ... ?
P3:  I call the shots / My life is my own / I am who I choose to be
P4:  A fist full of boom
P5:  Miles to go before I sleep

Matthew Rhodes

High Concept: Faithful Wizard
Trouble: Higher Expectations
P1:  All American Kid
P2:  In pieces, not peaces
P3:  Made mighty by sacrifice
P4:  Fear is the mindkiller
P5:  Not dumb enough to run / Not dumb enough / Too smart to flee / I want the last laugh

DFRPG / Re: The Books and the RPG
« on: April 16, 2010, 08:52:36 PM »
I think that using all of the current events would be denying the players the ability to react to all kinds of fallout from what Dresden himself was a part of.

For instance, St. Louis or Kansas City are fantastic staging grounds for the various Courts before they make a move on Chicago. It's outside of Harry's immediate range, but not outside of their resources.

I plan on starting my Chapter before Bianca's death and letting them feel the escalation in game as events unfold.  They don't need to know anything about what Harry's doing to further the plot and it gives my players the chance to think of him as a lunatic, a hero, a bad-cat or even an untrustworthy Lawbreaker. It would be up to them, but entirely an outside perspective.

Most of the books really have nothing to do with any other chronicle anywhere. They're just good examples of how to weave your own story.  If you go through any book and take the basic steps down and then build your story with new names it can be just as entertaining.

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