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Messages - someguynamedjoe

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Scripting Advice
« on: March 29, 2011, 05:09:15 AM »
BWAHAHAHA REMEMBERED MY PASSWORD- err... I'm not quite sure this fits here but here goes nothing.

I'm writing a short graphic novel (graphic novella?). I need advice on how to script or at least start it. I have a bunch of these sort of "oh that seems cool"-sort of ideas but next to no idea of how to organize them or even if they're going to work with the mood of my story. Any advice anyone has to offer on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

Author Craft / Re: Avoiding Mary Suehood?
« on: April 24, 2010, 03:47:13 AM »
Errr, why are street performers after your cat?

there's a ridiculous backstory that's revealed little by little by my Big Bad™ involving bus fare, unpaid union dues, and a broken heart and it's all pretty silly.

Author Craft / Re: Can't come up with a decent villain
« on: April 22, 2010, 01:58:08 AM »
Could your villain be one of the demons under your character's control who's not happy about being the bitchboy of some mortal pissant?

Author Craft / Re: Avoiding Mary Suehood?
« on: April 22, 2010, 01:43:15 AM »
Basing the character on yourself isn't necessarily a Mary Sue, though it is a self insert.  But I wouldn't really worry too much unless the character ends up being pretty much perfect.  Also,

Ooookay... so I have a Mary Sue score of 4... guess he's not a Sue. I am a tad concerned about the self-insertion though ("self-insertion"? wow that sounds saucy...)

Author Craft / Avoiding Mary Suehood?
« on: April 22, 2010, 01:11:28 AM »
Gosh, I feel sort of weird asking for advice on this but here goes...

I'm actually writing a graphic novel at the moment and I'm sort of afraid that my main character is becoming too much like me. My main character is a grouchy, misanthropic aspiring science-fiction writer stuck in a dead-end job at a thinly-veiled Starbuck's expy (called Apollo's...) who's being targeted by a gaggle of street performers/assassins who are after his cat.

I started with writing from what I knew (useless college degree, taking crap job to support doing what I love), went from there, and now I'm sort of afraid my main character's become me... only prettier and more interesting.

Anyway, help?

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