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Messages - LogicMouseLives

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DF Reference Collection / Re: Worst Kick in the Gut Moments in the Series
« on: September 02, 2012, 03:58:13 AM »
The very first kick in the gut moment I thought of when I started reading this thread still hasn't been mentioned: The last page of Changes.

Unlike a lot of the others mentioned, it loses a lot of its impact on rereading, because you know it's coming, and even more-so, you know it can't be permanent (one way or another). But thinking back to the very first time I read it, the day after it came out in hardcover, no spoilers on line, no hints from friends who'd read it before me. Completely out of left field. I was on a break at work at the time, and I literally sat there staring at the page with my mouth hanging open for more than a minute. And then I cussed a blue streak at the evil bastard who'd end a book like that for five. And then, of course, I went home and read the whole book all over again.  ::)

Other big ones for me:
* The other scene KnightShade was confabulating from in Dead Beat, when Butters gets dragged out the window of Harry's apartment by Grevane's zombies. That damn near stopped my heart the first time!
* The hospital scene at the end of SmF that several people have already mentioned. I weep every time. (Dangerous while driving!)
* The farewell scene with Luccio at the end of TC. Another total tear-jerker.

Yeah, there are a lot of them...I just hope Jim stays satisfied with continually, nearly killing Butters and doesn't actually make it stick one of these books, because I might just have to throttle him. (Not to death or anything of course, he's got more books to write, after all.   ;D )


Okay. It's my understanding (From the title) that this is where you want mention of new material as well, so I'll throw this in for someone to chew on. Posted September 30th, 2011. The interview with Jim is an hour and twenty minutes, and ranges over lots of previously trod ground, but there are a few interesting new tidbits in there, anyway.

BTW, are you interested in getting transcriptions of the interviews with Jim from Fred's "Butcher Block" podcast? There are several, and the last one in particular has some really cool stories, but they're mostly more personal and family related. The novel info is several years old. (I ask because I just got around to listening to the podcast for the first time this last couple of weeks while I'm doing cross-stitch, and really enjoyed that one.)


DFRPG / Re: New Free Casefile: Evil Acts!
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:06:27 PM »
Thanks so much for the behind the scenes glimpses, Tate and Chad! Quite fascinating to eavesdrop on.

I actually had the priviledge of participating in one of those Origins sessions last year. (Probably the one you describe as using a 'brute force' method to solve the problem. ;D) I got to play the Pure Mortal bodyguard. And I managed to intimidate a troll! (with help.) It was a great session. Definitely in the top two of all the games I played there––and I managed to sign up for so many different sessions of DFRPG that people were recognizing my face by Saturday. It was great!

Keep up the good work all you great folks in Evil Hats!


This is my first post.  I just love the books.

I read this thread but I don’t know if this has been discussed elsewhere.

What are Harry’s obligations as Winter Knight when it comes to being consort?  Can Mab and Mauve  have their way with him whenever they want?  Can he refuse?  Mauve seemed awfully eager to have his child in summer night.  Any chance that Mab could already be carrying his child from when they consummated Harry becoming  the Winter Knight?

Welcome, JamesDB!

Yeah, the first meeting between Harry the WK and Maeve should be very interesting. I hope we get to see it onscreen in Cold Days

As for the possibility of Mab's being pregnant, that was speculated about quite a bit here after Changes came out. It seemed like a significant (although not guaranteed) possibility at the time. But given Mab's condition when we see her at the end of GS? It seems much less likely to me. She's clearly been extremely busy, and expending a hell of a lot of energy keeping Harry's body intact (plus whatever else she had to be doing at the same time...) and her physical condition was not one that would have been able to hide a pregnancy.

That's not to say that it's impossible. If Sidhe gestation is far longer than human, she could easily still not be showing, although a very early gamete is extra vulnerable to illness and poor health in the mother. Similarly, if Sidhe have extremely short pregnancies, she might already have given birth. (This possibility seems the most inconsistent and unlikely to me, but I thought I'd throw it in for completeness' sake.)

So I guess we'll have to wait and see.  ::)


Oh, and as an add on, I hope Harry learns the "super-speed" magic Aristedes used.

He shouldn't really need to. As the Winter Knight, as we saw a couple of times in Changes, he has access to enhanced speed, strength and toughness because of the mantle. He just needs to learn how to use them better.

Which will be lots of fun to watch!


Hey everyone! First time posting here, actually.

Longtime reader (8 books back or so) first time poster :P.

First off, totally called the Kincaid shooting thing, just ... fit somehow.

How and why? I had no on earthly freaking clue.

I was wondering the entire events of ghost story, as to where the hell Georgia was? Any thoughts?
Welcome, jachreja!

Someone asked that very question of Jim at the Bitten By Books Q&A on Monday. Here's his answer:
What happened to Georgia? (since the short story Aftermath)

Turns out you can’t turn the child of two active werewolves over to your average babysitting service.

Here's the thread with all the other Q's and A's from that discussion too. Quite a few interesting responses.


Harry says it would have to be something like an angel. ANd Uriel answers, "Yes, a fallen one."

To be specific:
Quote from: Ghost Story HC page 450
"Someone like an angel," I said quietly.

"Someone like that," he said, showing his teeth briefly.

Then on the next page:
Quote from: Ghost Story HC page 451
"That...that shadow. It's an angel?"

"It was once," he said, and his voice was gentle––and infinitely sad. "A long, long time ago."

"One of the Fallen," I breathed.

"Yes. Who knew how to lie to you, Harry."

Score one Star Wars reference for the archangel, BTW!


i believe at one point it was stated that Uriel was working with Mab to use harry as a pawn.  lea being mab's proxy and that silent statue as uriel's

Well, according to Harry,
Quote from: Ghost Story HC page 473
ENOUGH, said that enormous thought voice, the same one from the graveyard, but less mind-annihilating.

Eternal Silence was Demonreach's proxy. Not Uriel's.


A more difficult question is why Harry's spirit was kept on hold for 6 months. I'm afraid the answer is that the story Jim wanted to tell required that everyone else be 6 months along past Harry's shooting and disappearance. I suppose we could say that Uriel wanted to give Harry some perspective, and Uriel thought that was best accomplished by waiting 6 months. Yeah, that's the ticket.

It's pretty simple, IMO. Uriel wanted/needed Harry to deal with Corpsetaker's attempt to come back from beyond, so he snatched Harry's soul when it became available, and dropped him back into the mix right when and where he could run across Corpsetaker's plot and foul it up. Remember that time is way more flexible for the spirit world than for reality, so that would not have been a big deal for the Spirit Spook.


DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: August 03, 2011, 06:44:28 AM »
Hi, I'm new to this forum and maybe this question has come up before. (But I don't think so, I searched). Or maybe I'm just too dumb to see the obvious answer.
Anyway, at the end of Small Favor, chapter 46, there's this scene where Harry's in the hospital chapel and Mab comes up to speak with him. I think it is heavily indicated that Mab performs some more "brain surgery" (as with removing the memories of his fire magic earlier in the book) on Harry. I'm talking about the passageClearly, here's a gap of at least some moments, because he was sitting in a seat before. Also, when Mab is gone, he reports to be bleeding from nose and ears, exactly like when Mab erased the memories of his blasting rod.So, the actual (unresolved) question is: What was the missing part of the conversation with Mab about, and why did she erase Harry's memories of it?

There was a good deal of speculation some time ago about the headaches Harry was having between the action of Small Favor and Turn Coat, and the fact that Little Chicago is not seen in Turn Coat (the one scene where the basement lab is described in detail only mentions "a long central table covered in a heavy tarp", which is similar to the description Harry uses for his blasting rod memories as he is in the process of regaining them in Small Favor.

Quite a few folks are of the opinion that Mab made Harry forget about Little Chicago so that he wouldn't be able to use it to find Thomas and would be forced to use Demonreach as he did. It's something of a stretch, but does kind of hang together.
Ghost Story Spoiler:
(click to show/hide)

And welcome to the boards, Lubi!


But, if you do want power, I'd remind you what Uriel said to Stu in his job offer. Uriel can take the ruins of a spirit and build on it. I'd need to go back to what Uriel said about Lash's biting-of-the-bullet, but what if enough of that survived for Uriel to build on? [Partial </crazytalk> tag here.]

That doesn't really sound crazy at all at this point. Jim has said at different times that "Lasciel's story is not over," and "Lash's story is not over." There's even an as-yet unsubstantiated rumor that at one of the signings this week Jim confirmed that the "Parasite" in the final chapter is Lash. I won't be taking that for a fact until I hear or see a clip of him saying it for myself, but a lot of folks here have speculated the same thing.

Can we get this to be the motto of the DF Spoilers board?

I think it already is, unofficially.  ;)


I have two questions.

1) Why did Lashadow appear to be outside of Harry's body in Uriel's flashback?
2) If some of Lashadow survived, why could not some of Lash survive? That would allow Lash to be the one that said "Lies..." and give a nice bit of symmetry.

1) She almost always showed up as a separate entity when they were talking (any time it wouldn't be too much of a distraction for him), and the flashback Uriel was showing him is certainly not likely to be precisely representative of what a person standing there at the time would have seen. She's 'perceived' as an outside force, for the sake of being perceived at all.
2) I think you missed some of the point of this bit of my comment:
Quote from: LogicMouseLives
Not only was Lash not 100% gone after the end of White Night, she was not 100% redeemed. I don't think it's a coincidence that we were introduced (rather forcefully) in this book to the possibility and consequences of a spiritual being splitting itself into pieces over a deep disagreement, as Bob did with NecroBob.

I think (based more on cryptic comments from Jim than anything in the books to date) that Lash did survive in some form, but she may very well not be present in the same manner, or her voice (if she even has one at this point) might not have the power to properly balance the dark-Lash's comments. Or maybe Uriel just wanted to do it hands on, because he sort of promised Harry that he would.


Those were all requested and accepted by Harry. The trick to block out pain, as I recall, Harry had to ask for. And Lasciel didn't translate Etruscan until he said to. The Hellfire's a little trickier. He did explicitly call it up later on, I would need to look back for the first couple of uses.

Hmm. Good point. But there were plenty of things Lasciel's Shadow did that Harry didn't ask for: playing shell games with the envelope in Proven Guilty, terrifying him into almost jumping out the window in Dead Beat after he figured out what Sheila really was, quite possibly other things we still haven't found out about. But none of those things appear to have been 'out-of-bounds' as far as the cosmic laws, the way the whisper was. So the mystery remains.


I wonder whether the reason Harry didn't tell Karrin what he had planned was because he thought she'd stop him, or because she'd insist on doing it herself after hearing his reasoning.

Of course we know she'd have slapped him upside the head & told him to stop being an idiot, but Harry wasn't exactly thinking rationally right then.

I think you're right about her reaction, but the main reason Harry didn't tell Karrin about it was that she wasn't anywhere nearby at the time, and he was under some serious time constraints. He had to get the job done quickly. He was just 'lucky' that Molly–the one person he absolutely needed to pull off the plan–was right there.

I'm looking forward to seeing it when Murphy finally finds out that he arranged the whole thing. He'll be in yet another world of hurt.


I think you are making a big assumption there -- you are assuming that the entity must "know" Harry and that such a process requires past association. But an angel-level entity may be capable of reading Harry's entire mind instantly, so it could "know" Harry even if that was the first time that it had encountered him.

You may be right. But the fact is, in every direction we look at this setting the equation greater power==greater (and often more incomprehensible) limitation holds.

If any old fallen angel could just walk up to any old human being and whisper lies in their ears, with the only possible drawback being the return whisper of an opposing angel? Well. I don't think the human race would have lasted this long.

Fact is, I'm definitely wrong about some of this.

My best guess, is the fact that her statement, "And it was all your fault, Harry," is an out-and-out lie. I know it seems pretty weird to say that a fallen angel lying might be out of bounds, but think about all the examples we've seen elsewhere in the books of the difference between actual, direct untruths and deception, manipulation and word games. Her statement, unlike the waffling and misleading commentary of the Sidhe was a claim that is simply not true. Not everything is Harry's fault, no matter how often he tells himself otherwise.

This idea, that the Fallen in the coins can no more directly lie to their victims than a Sidhe can, really appeals to me, in part because it seems to explain the simple fact that Lash never did seem to have directly lied to Harry, even when it would totally have been in her best interests to do so. She could hit him with illusions all day (which are far more deceptive than words, if you don't place some vast and particular weight of meaning on words), but when she said something, no matter how twisted up it was by her weird perspective, it seems to have been true.

I just went and poked through Harry's conversations with Lash/Shiela in Dead Beat, and instantly began to find places where she outright lied to him, so that particular idea is shot.

Oh, well. Back to the drawing board.


Just to let Serak and the rest of you folks know; I also recorded the KC signing Q&A. I hadn't bothered putting it up yet because I saw the other cameras going and didn't think it'd be needed, but I did get all of it. The video is slightly lower quality than harle1229's, but it's better than nothing. I'll try to get the portion she missed up on YouTube as soon as I can. Hopefully in the next few hours.


Edit: Here's the link to my first segment: It may not be viewable for a little while. There's apparently some sort of review or moderation process. Or something.  :P

And here's "Part 7" the final installment: 
Final edit: had to retry uploading Part 7. And I apologize in advance for the fact that my Nano picked up every single bit of my laughter. But at least you can hear everything else too.

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