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Messages - Walker_Blade

Pages: [1] 2 3
DFRPG / Re: Limits of Focus Items
« on: September 22, 2010, 07:28:58 AM »
My Question really is:
Can you (with lore 4 and enough focus item slots) have the following:
A staff that provides a +4 Offensive Control for Fire
A bracer that provides a +4 Defensive Power for Air
An Enchanted Carving set that provides a +4 Frequency crafting bonus

DFRPG / Limits of Focus Items
« on: September 22, 2010, 06:52:51 AM »
I have a question about focus item slots.  Is the lore limit for:
A) all focus items,
b) one focus item or
c) one category of focus items (tracking thaumaturgy and evocation separately?

The text on YS 278 is vague and can be read as either A or B, and I have been using C as a compromise.

DFRPG / Re: Can a Glamour Torch shed real light?
« on: August 03, 2010, 04:09:06 AM »
Carrying a flashlight or a lighter does not cost any refresh.  Glamour costs -2.  I would definitely weigh in on the side of allowing a character with glamours to make a light source.

DFRPG / Re: Gear with aspects
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:40:25 AM »
Wouldn't this fall under the declarations bit?  You have a high quality sniper rifle?  Make a declaration using firearms to temporarily give it the "Accurate" aspect.  Or when dodging a cheap crappy gun make a declaration to place the "Inaccurate"  aspect on that.

DFRPG / Re: Red Court Infected/Vampires and "Vegetarianism"
« on: July 26, 2010, 05:29:03 AM »
The books mention a few times that what the vampires from the red and black courts actually feed off of is the life force in the blood, so it would either be a vastly weaker source (possibly leading to a wierd new form of vampire that is much weaker as they get less life energy) or flat out not work and simply be gross.

DFRPG / Re: Mechanics Break Down Challenge
« on: July 26, 2010, 05:26:13 AM »
The problem here is that there is no realistic way to stat out the darkhallow in this system.  It is a plot device, pure and simple, it involves exploiting a few loopholes in the way magic works in the Drsednverse, but I don't think there is any mechanical way to stat out any ritual that increases your refresh cost, all of those are plot devices that remain between you and your GM.  

All that being said,  Here is a weak attempt to stat it out:

 It is mentioned several times that Harry could pull it off, so it can't require actual necromancy sponsored magic, or be too difficult, in effect every single use of necromancy in the book is a declaration towards the ritual working, slowly building up the necromantic energy of the area, then they tag the declarations of every single spell they cast in the last few days to get the needed power.  I would personally set the difficulty at 10 shifts per point of refresh gained, and then allocate the points as the caster sees fit.

DFRPG / Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
« on: July 25, 2010, 12:52:10 AM »
The most common way to get around the first law:  Use magic to immobilize and cripple the enemy and then chop off their head.  Wardens do it all the time.

DFRPG / Re: A few spell casting questions
« on: July 24, 2010, 04:11:37 AM »
Would that still be two scenes even though there was absolutely no rest time in between?  Heck, the duel hadn't even quite finished when the battle started.

DFRPG / Re: A few spell casting questions
« on: July 23, 2010, 03:46:47 AM »
for those who are thinking that the system can in fact cover the spellcasting in the books, take a look at Ramirez in the fight in White Night:

He explicitly does 8 significant spells, not counting anything covered in the bit about "Blast after hideously ruinous blast..."  which implies many attacks (although it could technically be statted out as either a split attack or a zone wide attack, so maybe it is mechanically only one big one).  So minimum of 9 spells in a scene.  For a young warden with no access to sponsored magic of any kind.  He is listed as having conviction 4, so 4 boxes fo mental stress, no extra consequences.  that means a maximum of 7 spells after consequences, maybe 8 if he somehow took an extreme consequence and we didn't notice.  but we still can't get to the mimimum of 9 needed to play out that scene. 

So yeah, The RPG system of a game based around a wizard can't handle the spellcasting in the books it is based off of.

DFRPG / Re: A few spell casting questions
« on: July 22, 2010, 07:36:20 PM »
This was my bigest problem with the RPG system too, when I first read it, so I've developed a few ways around it, some more house rule-sy than others.

1)  Take the breath weapon power and replace the weapons roll with a discipline roll, and you have a combat spell that you can use at will for weapon 2 attacks.

2) Sponsored Magic.  Pretty handy.

3) Use Enchanted items.  A dedicated enchanter with a good crafting foci can get pretty big effects with a good number of uses each session with no stress at all.

and 4)  the house rule I've been using is that if the power is half your conviction or less then it doesn't cost a stress, so somebody with conviction 4 could throw around 2 shift evocations with no problem.

DFRPG / Re: Dresdenized Druid
« on: July 18, 2010, 06:51:03 PM »
you might want to consider some sort of Sponsored nature magic instaed of straight thaum or evoc, that is waht a player in out group did for druidic magic.

DFRPG / Re: Wizards and Oceans
« on: July 11, 2010, 09:05:32 PM »
It is noted several times that running water drains magic, so rivers would screw up a spell, as would a costal area as the waves roll over the beaches, but once you and your target are both out on the water there's no problem.  I've just been thi9nking of it like a border to a zone that prevents magic from being effective.

DFRPG / Re: Question on Vampires
« on: May 29, 2010, 06:18:27 AM »
Bpth Transformations involve getting a demon grafted to your soul, I imagine said demons don't like to share.

DFRPG / a few specific questions on 1st lawbreaker
« on: May 20, 2010, 09:52:01 PM »
OK, I know there has been a lot of debate about the lawbreaker stunts, I don't particularly want to rehash all of that, I just have two questions:

1) when do you stop getting these stunts, non of the denarian write ups included lawbreaker stunts, but I can't imagine that cassius never killed someone with magic.  Are they merely omitted because the Denarians are NPCs?  What about a Denarian PC?

2) would enchanted items cause the stunt?  If your intent at the time of creating the item was to have a generic force attack (Like Harry's rings) and you ended up using it to kill someone would it grant the stunt?  Unlike casting a spell you don't need to believe in everything you do when using an item, so it seems that it might not twist your soul like black magic does.  (In the books Harry mentions that the wardens still prosecute under these circumstances, but I'm asking about the stunt).

DFRPG / Re: Tools for running DFRPG Online
« on: May 19, 2010, 04:27:26 AM »
Google wave has an application named dicey that was written to handle a number of dice systems, fudge dice among them.  Link:

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