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Messages - dannaden

Pages: [1]
Ganging up?

Did *I* do that?


But hey, singing allowed you to win the game, so it was worth it right? ;D

I'll leave that for you to decide.  WAS it worth having to listen to me warble? 

If everyone is *really* interested in hearing me sing, you ought to come to one of our shows.  I'm part of our local community theatre...

(*ahem* Actually, I'm ~President~...which is to say that I moved too slowly when the last President sapped me with the blackjack and dragged me into office)

...and we're putting on the musical, "Annie".  I may or may not actually *land* a part in the show (sometimes it's *not* always good to be the King), but if I do, I'll post the info somewhere hereabouts.

I tell you all this so you know how lucky you are.  I *could've* broken into "Tomorrow"...   ::)

Took me a couple of tries before I could figure out both the melody and the rhythm they were going for. 

It's funny you mention opera...I was getting ready to do an opera diva version if you'd asked me to sing it one more time.  ;)

Good meeting as many of you as I met tonight.  And sorry for those of you that I didn't meet.  ;)

Also, I feel I owe the city of Lee's Summit my sincere apologies for having to suffer through my singing.  Next time we play Munchkin Cthulhu, let someone win who has a decent singing voice.  ;)

And kudos to Jim, who was still signing books, even though he had to get an ice pack for his signing wrist...and that while the line was still snaking halfway through the bookstore. 

Should be there around 4:30, if you're all still gonna be there. 

I'm wearing a pale green shirt and jeans.  The shirt looks like it oughta be a bowling shirt.  Don't ask me why...I'm style-challenged.  ;)

Hey folks!

I'll be there and if it's okay, can I arrive late at the Jason's Deli chat-and-munch?  I get off work at 4PM and from the I-435 & Metcalf area, I'm probably 30 minutes away from the Chipman Road area (at that time of day).

You can't miss me.  I'll be the one with the backpack full of pepper spray, a blackjack sap, and a pocketful of zip ties.  I'll get us those front row seats.  ;)

It sounds like a great time!

Hope to see everyone there!

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