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Messages - shadowgate

Pages: [1]
How would you know about Peace talks the book hasn't been released yet? they just dropped the name in 2014 but still hasn't been released, i'm curious where you go this info from.

Fool Moon - Marcone saves Harry from the Streetwolves leader Parker, who was about to bash Harry's head in.  I forget what Bob called the Streetwolves.  Lycanthra-something or other.  Not true werewolves, but people with the spirit of an animal within them, and super healing abilities.

Summer Knight - The gatekeeper intervenes on Harry's behalf before the Council to take up Mab's request, rather than letting the Merlin sell Harry out to the Red Court.
Lea saves Harry from Grum (who was really Summer Lady Aurora's henchman) by pretending she was a neighbor who heard a fight going on and called the police.
Elaine talks Aurora into not killing Harry and binds him with a spell she knows he can break.

Death Masks - Martin shoots Duke Ortega before Ortega could shoot Harry during their duel.

Blood Rites - Mavra's minions appear just when Lara was getting ready to shoot Harry, forcing Lara and Harry to work together.
Thomas pays Harry's bill to Kincaid.  (Though the threat from not paying Kincaid was not immediate, the eventual consequences would have been just as deadly as anything else mentioned here.) 

Dead Beat - Butters saves Harry from Quintas Cassius (A.K.A. Snake Boy)

Turn Coat - Morgan saves Harry from Peabody sticking a knife through Harry's eye.

Ghost Story - Bob saves Harry from; I don't remember what kind of ghosts they were, but they were trying to eat Harry.

Cold Days - Molly saves Harry from the pixie death squad.

Peace Talks - Hannah Ascher saves Harry from the Octo-Kongs.

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