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Messages - WarlocksRUs

Pages: [1]
Maggie LeFay and the Outsiders is the name of my next band.  8)

Probably not, but if you'll be the actress I can be the bishop.

I think I may have sad something dirty and I don't even know what. That's a new feeling...

There you go.

Continuity error or mind whammy. You be the judge.

This is the second time that you mentioned that there were dead goblins on Arctis Tor, so I just had to check, and that is indeed what Harry says (Proven Guilty, paperback pg. 357):

I rose and nudged a smaller skull with my staff. "The littler ones were goblins," I said. "Foot soldiers."

That's weird. Because on page 294 of Changes is this exchange between Harry and Susan:

"I..." I shuddered. "I think they're goblins."
"You think?"
"I've never seen one before," I replied. "But... they match the descriptions I've heard."

Sure, thecnically he'd still never seen a live goblin before. But he seemed to recognize a dead one awfully quickly. I've kept dogs, cats, and rats as pets my whole life, but I'm not sure I'd recognize the skulls of any of them on sight. My tin-foil hat wonders if that's significant, if someone has been messing with Harry's memory again.

On a side note, the above quote is followed by this exchange:

"Shouldn't we be able to handle, like, a million of them?"
I snorted. "You liked those movies too, huh?"
Her reply was a smile, one touched with sadness.
"Yeah, I was thinking of you when I saw them, too."

This places the events of Changes between the years 2004 (after The Return of the King released) and 2011 (if Pricille's estimate of changes occurring in ASF 11, which is an outside estimate I think), no sooner and no later.

ETA: well, it could happen as early as 2003 ("those" referring to "Fellowship" and "Two Towers") and as late as 2012 (since "Fellowship" was released in December 2001), but that's the limit.

Display Case / Re: DISPROVE THIS
« on: June 02, 2010, 03:39:11 PM »
I would note that we have no evidence for this beyond these entities' claims.

What evidence would you accept?

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