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Messages - i_enigma_1

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: The Nevernever in Other Parts of the World
« on: October 06, 2010, 09:23:17 AM »
Hello... A pretty new poster on this forum here... I love that this thread exists... However, I never got the impression of Never-never being primarily Fae-land. Fae being the predominant mythology in Euro-centric regions of the world, in those geographic locations the 'nearest' region of never-never would be the Fae-lands, however in other regions it would be something else... Eg. Dreaming in Australia, The Jade Emperor's Heaven/ Tian or thereabouts in China, the lands of the 'Devas & Asuras' in India and so on... Since, Harry is operating in the Euro-centric part of the world, its quite okay for him to be primarily concerned with that...

However, something that does bug me is this-
The White Council is supposed to be sole representative organisation of ALL wizards in the world... We have non-whites like Ancient Mai, Listens-to-the-Wind, Rashid as 'proof'... And THEN, we have Gregori Christos, politically important westerner, because of support from 'Non-Western' Nations? What? The world population ratio is currently something like 1 white: 5 non-white people... Magic is stated to be highly hereditary and almost Eastern cultures, be they Indian, Chinese or Persian place an extremely high importance on family and remaining connected to the family. So there would be less chances of magically talented youngsters being overlooked for training... As such, by any calculation, 'Western' wizards should be the minority in any global representative organisation...

So unless, there is a separate 'Non-Western' Council of wizards existing in isolation from the White Council, this really doesn't make sense...

So thoughts, people?

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