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Messages - SkallyWag

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Hard to pick up?
« on: April 28, 2013, 03:02:05 AM »
Thank you all very much for your input, I've just gone and ordered the rulebook and after some doing some research, decided that my friends and I should start by playing around with the pre-written Baltimore campaign that comes with it (just to get our feet wet). 

I'm also going to check out that podcast that was linked, but if I have any more questions, I'll be sure to come back and ask.  Much appreciated!

DFRPG / Hard to pick up?
« on: April 28, 2013, 01:32:11 AM »
Hey guys.

My friends and I were interested in picking this up and playing, but we don't really have any experience with table-top RPGs.  What I was wondering was if this particular RPG was hard to learn and start playing.  A relative of mine plays RPGs and when I was speaking to her about her favorite (Worlds of Darkness, as I recall), it sounded very complex.  I'm just a little intimidated, I guess.  I know I'm not really giving a great indicator of what would be 'over the top' or not, and I'm sorry for that, but again - complete table-top noob.

Pretty much what I'm asking is if this RPG would be a good place to start, or if I should keep looking for something a little more beginner-friendly?

Thanks in advance for any input, help, or what have you  =).

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