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Messages - yeLLow

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I know the compression on the video on the website made it hard to understand, but, if you have the time to wait, you can always download the wmv file and you might be able to understand it better. I guess I can always try to add subtitles to it (although most of those would probably just be the answers and not too many of the questions).

For those that are interested, I got to record the first 13 minutes of the Q & A session in Fayette. Its a large file, but its as high of a quality that I could have gotten from my little camera.

You can watch it here:

Or you can download it from (its a total of 669MB) here:

I would have loved to just have recorded him reading the first 2 chapters from Changes, but my batteries didn't have enough of a charge left (and I didn't bring anymore with me) to record it, so a picture and a memory will have to do.

I apologize about the weirdness of the angle(s), the ocasional tipping of the camera, and the fact that I didn't get more. Oh well. I hope everyone enjoys it!

I was right behind yeLLow and her family (I played with her little boy's train)
Yep, that was me, and just for informational purposes my husband is jonsjava on the boards.
I wish we could have stayed longer, but it had been a long week and we headed home right afterwards.

Didn't get a lot of pics, but that's because I wanted to record some of the Q&A. But here are the pics I do have:

1.] Jim with Bob the Skull

2.] Jim talking to my son

3.] Jim reading from Changes

Who all went?  What did Jim talk about?  Did Shannon's hair look awesome?  The world needs to know!

My husband and I went with our son.
Jim talked about a wide range of things from writing to that something will finally happen with the two swords.
It was a good q&a.
And yes, Shannon's hair looked awesome!
(please excuse the lack of details, we drove back right afterwards and got home about 5 hours ago (4am CST).

My wife and I are staying in Springfield tonight and making the rest of the drive up tomorrow morning.   I'm actually pretty excited about this.  It's the first author talk I've ever been too.

Me too! Only a few more hours to go! (well, over 12, but oh well.)

I understand. Its no fun leaving them in a crate while you're away. If it wasn't so cold I would suggest you keep him in your car. But that's more of a punishment.

We're staying at the Super 8 in Moberly, but you really don't want to stay there. Its nasty but pet friendly; fair warning. I know its a ways from Fayette (about 40 miles), but we're visiting family.

That WOULD be pretty embarrassing to get out there and forget the book.
Ah hotel rooms, yeah, so 16 hour round trip?

Yep; plus we're going to take our time and have a vacation at the same time. My husband grew up around there and he's also talking about taking me up to Chicago (never been that far north/never been to that big of a city). It's going to be an interesting time.

Gas for an 8 hour road trip: $130.
Food: $40
Book for signing: $30.

The look on Jim's face when he realizes your entire family drove 8 hours to meet him for 37 seconds.  Priceless.

Only thing you forgot were the hotel expenses, but that's just about right. :)
I'm exceited. I just have to make sure to remember to pack the book for him to sign.

My husband and I will be there with our son. ;D We've been planning on going, but in a realistic fashion didn't finalize it until last night. lol
It may be an eight to nine hour road trip, but I'm sure it will be worth it!

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