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Messages - habman

Pages: [1]
DF TV Series / Re: POLL: End Game Opinion of the Series
« on: January 18, 2010, 10:49:22 PM »
I love the books so I was really disappointed with the series. When you read the books you start to get a feel for what Harry would look like...his attitude....and his general comportment. You also get a feel for how Karrin Murphy would look...and her general attitude and comportment. You even get a feel for Bob...and how his skull would look and talk. Then along comes the series...and everything has changed. I recognize that things can be better fleshed out in a book....but come on! Everyone...especially Murphy...just didn't ring true.
I'm afraid that's what happens when you let TV executives get hold of a script and make changes. If I had my way....Jim Butcher would have been executive producer of the series...answering to no one....and if his idea of what the series should look like doesn't float...then so be it. But I just got the sense that someone who hadn't read the series...or didn't care...had the final word on the project....and seriously dropped the ball.
Maybe they should try an "IT"-type mini-series for one of the books...and see what they can do with that. ???

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