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Messages - jadedragn

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: December 31, 2009, 12:01:13 AM »
I have always loved books and while I don't necessarily want to become a full fledged author I want to create a story. I've always liked the idea of someday writing my own book because I love them so much. Great stories fill the world with creativity. Books provide me with something that I can't explain and I want to share that with the world I guess. The thing is that I really know nothing about how to go about writing a book I just have the inspiration that great authors like Jim Butcher and Diana Gabaldon (my two favorite authors) have given me by writing wonderful, detailed books. A friend of mine told me that a good way to do it would be by world building first. Can anyone give me some info and/or advice on how to start world building? I have an idea for a story but it is barely coming to the surface and I want to do this right. I'd appreciate any help that I can get.

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