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Messages - Umptyscope

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Author Craft / Re: Weirdo Guitar Question
« on: December 27, 2009, 05:53:38 AM »
Wow! More responses! Cool!

I originally liked the idea of the character using the guitar to block sword thrusts, etc; but you've all raised good points. If it's indestructible, could the strings vibrate? If the strings vibrate, wouldn't they stretch? Etc.

The original idea was that the character was hired by a wizard to transport a magical item from Point A to Point B. The wizard cast the spell on the guitar to throw off any bad guy mages pursuing the character--if they did a "detect magic" kind of spell they'd think it was about the guitar.

The MC doesn't know this, though; he just thinks he was given a magical guitar, and he's genre-savvy enough to think it wil give him amazing musical abilities, etc. Nope. Just indestructable. And, since the guitar was out of tune when the spell was cast, the idea was that it would always be the same value of "out of tune" -- a couple of the notes off by, say, a note and a half. Hence new fingering, etc.

I guess I could weasel and say that instead of "indestructable" that the guitar "returns to it's previous state" the next day; but then, so much for parrying a mace. Hmmm. Maybe he just gets tired of retightening the same 2 strings and decides to "learn to play it wrong", or the spell was to make the guitar unbreakable, and not the strings or pegs, or, or, or...


Author Craft / Re: Weirdo Guitar Question
« on: December 15, 2009, 12:57:38 AM »
Meg_: A garotte. The thought had crossed my mind, though...

Starbeam: Hadn't thought about the strings issue. Hmm. So if the strings stretch over time and thus the guitar needs to be tuned, then, um, dern. I've just got a guy with a beat-up guitar (which could ricochet bullets or double as a toboggan, etc) but no "obvious" magic. Everyone'll just think he's a fan of Willie Nelson or something... :)

Thanks for the replies!

Author Craft / Weirdo Guitar Question
« on: December 13, 2009, 06:34:01 PM »
Hi all. First post.

So, I'm playing with an idea for my WIP, and need some opinions.

Let's say a character finds a guitar, and another character casts an "indestructability" spell on it. (Thinking of your basic hollow-bodied acoustic guitar, here.) The main character only knows that a spell has been cast on the guitar -- he (wrongly) assumes it's a spell to make him a better player, etc, but nope, just invulnerability.

The guitar is indestructable -- as it was when the spell was cast. Meaning, it's a little beat up, and slightly out of tune; it can never be less beat-up and will always be precisely as out of tune as it was when the spell was cast.

--What would this be like as a weapon? I mean, I've seen a wrestler break a guitar over someone's head, but that's the point, it breaks. Beating up on someone with an unbreakable guitar would be like beating up on someone with a wiffleball bat -- you could hurt them, maybe knock them unconscious, but you couldn't possibly kill them, right? (Unless the guitar was launched at someone neck first, maybe...)

--As to the tuning, the main character would have to relearn how to make certain chords (to "work around" the out-of-tune strings.) On the one hand, it would make his guitar immediately unplayable to any trained guitar player who just picked it up, but on the other hand he'd have to remember the "right" way to make the chords in case he had to play a different guitar one evening. One: is that feasible? Two, do actual guitarists, upon picking up someone else's guitar, subtly pluck a few strings to see if it is in tune or not before playing? And how tough would it be for the main character to remember two different chord styles, or learn to play the "wrong" way? Would this make his music "different"?

What I get for writing a guitar playing character and not playing guitar myself. Interested in your guy's responses...--Umptyscope

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