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Messages - Linamar

Pages: [1]
You're right, Victor wasn't smart enough to make the 3 eye drug on his own.  Whoever taught him magic must have been the one who taught him how to make the drug.  I'm not sure if it was to help reveal the Red Court, or if it was just an easy way to sow a lot of chaos.  We'll find out, I suspect.

The Beckitts only supported Victor because he promised to bring down Marcone.  If Victor hadn't been doing that, they wouldn't have been doing anything to help him.  Nobody likes a squatter.

I think the Red Court already knew the curse.  Vadderung said that the curse hadn't been used in thousands of years, but it had been around.  Maybe there just wasn't a big enough target for the Reds to justify using that kind of power until now.  Most likely, whoever taught Victor learned the curse from someone in the Red Court.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:00:18 AM »
Here's not so much of a mystery, as an interesting tidbit:

In Dead Beat, Lash is able to recall the text of the Erlking book perfectly.  But Harry never read it before Corpsetaker stole it.  So one of her previous hosts must have read it.  And Harry mentions that Wizard Peabody only published it about a century ago.  That means Lasciel was running around sometime in the last 100 years.  I wonder if we're going to see anything that she had a hand in?

And just to keep this as a mystery post, the question would be, who was Lasciel's last host, and who brought her down?

Display Case / Re: DISPROVE THIS
« on: June 20, 2010, 05:38:09 PM »
I think it's suspicious that Priscellie is treating it as a joke *shifty eyes*

You may be on to something, Duck.

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