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Messages - svb1972

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DF Reference Collection / Re: The YLC (Why Little Chicago) thread
« on: December 10, 2012, 09:33:31 PM »
I firmly believe that the person who fixed Little Chicago is Harry.
So, this is one of my more outrageous theories.

Harry is Merlin.
Merlin is Harry.

Harry is going to need to greatly improve his time travel skills in order to pull of creating DemonReach.
One of his first Steps into time travel is going to be going back to repair LC in order to use it to find something so much more important than what's going on with Past Harry.  We have been told time and time again that Harry is /spectacularly good/ at Thaumaturgy.  He's better at Thaumaturgy than Molly is at Illussions.

But Jim has said before that Harry is about one year behind him in age, and GS is probably stretching that gap out more. It may be 1973, which is my birth year. ;D
Get your dirty 1973 paws off my Harry! MIne mine!..

uh.. sorry.. I just had a Mollyment.

Maggie Sr's Minimum age is 162 years old, when Harry was born.  Probably about 7 years before that when Thomas was born.  Those with more amazing memory can probably tell us how old Thomas was when she left?  I seem to remember it was about 5, but I'm not sure.

Maggie LaFey died in 1972.
We know this, because 1972 is Harry and Jim's (and mine) birth year.

Luccio is being mind-scr00ged by the Black Council at this point.  There are many possible options for what's going on.

1) Luccio is being edited.
2) Ebenezar is Black Council and lying to Harry.
come to mind as the two most likely.
The problem comes from the fact that Morgan is all "like Mother like Son."  "Your mother was a Warlock and SO ARE YOU."  Is something Morgan implies at least once, if not multiple times.

Luccio's account is weird, and Harry ignoring it is doubly weird.  Harry could be wishful thinking it.  hard to say.

We already know that she used her death curse to take away Lord Raith's power to feed, and I'm pretty sure it's established that Lord Raith used his sorceresses to kill Margaret with an entropy curse.

Not possible.  His sorceresses would have been between the ages  of 2 and 14 at the time of Maggie's Death.  Seems to me incredibly unlikely that they were responsible for her death.

If you're implying he had other sorceresses before.  That's possible, but we have nothing but conjecture on that.

What's the chances that Ebenezar killed MaggieSr?

Maggie and the Outsiders sounds like a 60's Rock Band.

Is it possible that Maggie used her death curse to kill herself at Harry's birth?  That she wanted Harry to group up a specific way?  She wanted Malcom to raise him and instill certain values in him, and she felt that her being around and alive just wasn't a viable way to do that?

That's because Mab is Molly.

Murphy gets almost as much screen time as Molly?  We see her kick ass, chew gum, and take names.

1) Her private meeting with Marcone's henchman.
2) the JL meeting
3) Her ass kicking of the White Court Vamp
4) Her first introduction to Harry
5) Her sparring with the big guy @ the fortress
6) Her being all hard and bitter in the conference room
7) the charge of the light brigade at the end.

I mean, what the hell, MORE time with Murphy?  Seriously?
If you take away the UFP Molly Enterprise scene, Murphy as /more/ scenes than Molly.

You're stating a bunch of opinions about how most people hated, this, and hated that, and calling that fact, when at best it's conjecture. 

Yes, but you're complaint reads like people complaining that Neville Longbottom is getting attention in some of the books, and you're like, "Why are you bothering us with this minor character."  The answer is that, he might not be so minor eventually.  Or, why are there several chapters from Samwise's point of view, isn't he just the annoying sidekick?

Just because your favorite bad guys didn't get  page time, or that Butters gets a /lot/ doesn't make it a bad book.  Fitz, is a morale.  Fitz is there to highlight the differences between old Harry (as portrayed by Murphy) and New Harry.  The ability to see that even someone who sprays bullets at your best friend, may not actually be evil.

Reading Comprehension. :)

Every thing you said was bad in the book, I thought was actually a strong point of the book.

I don't think Ghost Story fell short at all.
Unless you think Empire Strikes Back fell short?

I find youre entire review just so completely off the mark.  Every thing you say was bad, I thought was good in the book.

People are talking about "what a terrible thing Harry did to Molly."  Is noone remembering that at the time he /did/ that horrible thing a Fallen Angel (possibly even THE Fallen Angel) was whispering lies in his ear?

Harry in a moment of despair, fueled by one of the Fallen Angels whispering even more despair into his ear, asked the only person in the world who could accomplish what he needed done.  There was noone else who could erase his knowledge of suicide.  Noone. 

He chose to end his life, to save his daughters.  And yes, that meant asking Molly to help.  But, well, who else could he ask.

DFRPG / Re: It finally came. 7/7/10
« on: July 11, 2010, 01:56:05 PM »
You Got a Girl in the Mail?

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