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DFRPG / Re: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?
« on: December 29, 2006, 04:54:32 PM »
GURPS is a great system. Just wish it had more numerical varience that percents could give it. Maybe more stats with multi stat mods (like rolemaster where a skill bonus off a stat could be str/str/dex as opposed to just one stat, making it more realistic and less singulary stat dependent on certain classes).

DFRPG / Re: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?
« on: December 27, 2006, 08:40:58 PM »
The other down side to a lot of D20s is that the characters look the same, just about.
Certain classes always have a certain high stat. Certain skills. Etc...
I just hope you guys get some reasonable variety in the world.

DFRPG / Re: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?
« on: December 24, 2006, 04:03:49 AM »
I didn't say I preferred the 2 hour long combat chart system. I just like the 1-100% options vs the 1-20 (5% incriments). Much better.

DFRPG / Re: What would u be?
« on: December 23, 2006, 05:13:45 PM »
No way I could be a wizard now. I like technology WAAAAAAY too much! lol (What?! No more MMPGs!?  >:( )Not to mention those guys attract trouble like poo does flies. I DO like my downtime.
No way would I want to be part of the fea and their neverending war.
Same with the vamps. WAY too much politics in there (between the courts and within). Course, of the 3, the white would be the most appealing, if I had to pick.
Super powered entity has it's own trappings. Sides, where's the fun in big power? hehe
A Templar Knight? LOL! Yhea right. Sorry, no faith to be had in religion here.
Demons/Fallen/other nasties...nah. I need a reason to be bad, I just can't run around and wreak havoc for giggles. I'm kinda Harrish in that way.

I think I'd like to be a Kincaid type of character. Mysterious. Has power but you're not entirely sure what it might be outside of superhuman physical. Likes his toys. Knows the playing field. Good contacts. Free spirit.
Guess that falls into supernatural entity.

For a second choice, I'd join up with the Alphas. Being a part of a pack would be sweet and those guys are pretty cool, overall.

DFRPG / Re: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?
« on: December 23, 2006, 05:04:21 PM »
Personally I hate how the D20 systems have taken over. I like HOW the systems are set up, just don't like the D20 itself. Much rather have a %s based system. If anyone has played the old RollMaster system, that was the best. Just don't like how the lowest you can go on a D20 is at a 5% incriment.

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