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Messages - mightyutuvan

Pages: [1] 2
Author Craft / Re: Request help livening up a boring exposition scene
« on: August 08, 2010, 08:03:38 PM »
Maybe after spending the night he is trying to hurry up and get out there.  He is trying to explain this complicated situation without it sounding like a lame excuse to bolt after a one night quickie. 

I'd make him fail and sound lame.  She could be pissed and later find out the truth in a flooding bank vault.

or Not.

Author Craft / Re: Too Much Reading About Writing
« on: July 05, 2010, 02:43:13 AM »
Thanks for the jab, corrected :).  

     Friendly question for you.  Having lurked here for about a year, I have seen your comment about writing being some sort of built-in impulse (I am paraphrasing).  I have spent 35 years not writing.  I have been doing other things.  Now I want to write.  I just want to tell some stories.  Hopefully some fun, entertaining stories with some "Big, damn hero" moments in them.  I am not sure I meet your definition of this "writing for it's own sake" writer.  I guess my question is this, what is the point of writing a story, poem, song etc.. if you don't share it with people?  Seems to me getting published is the natural lifecycle for a story to pursue.  

(Note:  I used the word "publish", however I should mention that sharing a story with anyone would meet this need.  The more people shared with, the more the story's existence would be validated, metaphysically speaking)

Author Craft / Too Much Reading About Writing
« on: July 05, 2010, 12:53:57 AM »
     So after taking a break from writing, I am back.  I call it taking a break but really life's interferences combined with my own temper tantrum and viola, I quit writing anything not work related for five months.  Writer's get to be temperamental, right?  ::)

     So my question to you is... do you find reading too much about writing counterproductive?  On second thought, I guess it is really reading about the publishing process.  I will be cranking along, writing everyday (never the word count I should though).  Inevitably, I will end up reading something or listening to a writing podcast and the topic of getting published comes up.  Listening to published authors speak about the difficulties of getting published just depresses me.

     Don't get me wrong, I have no thoughts of getting rich or becoming best selling author but it would seem the logical conclusion to writing a story would be to get it published.  So does this happen to you?


Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: December 16, 2009, 06:13:17 PM »
Thanks, Kali.  You are right of course, I was just wallowing in self-pity because, well, because it is just so damn easy and really opens up my sinuses.  I'll get back to work soon.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: December 16, 2009, 12:47:06 PM »
Well, I received my first rejection letter today.  Oddly enough I feel...rejected.  sigh :-\

The letter was from an assistant editor.  It was polite, short, and unsigned.  He said that my story wasn't what he was looking for right now but good luck.  I wish knew if I was writing crap or utter crap. 

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: December 16, 2009, 04:06:52 AM »
Well, I received my first rejection letter today.  Oddly enough I feel...rejected.  sigh :-\

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: December 08, 2009, 06:37:25 PM »
Save it. :D  I have my four or five saved, including the personal one from Gordon Van Gelder that's tacked up above my desk.  Some rejection letters are the next best thing to an acceptance letter!

Yep, that was the very name on the envelope.  Actually completing, editing, formatting and mailing off the short story felt like an accomplishment itself.  Dang I hope mine's personal!  ;)

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: December 08, 2009, 02:31:34 AM »
So I mailed off my first short story to a magazine today, no doubt triggering my first rejection letter. 

Author Craft / Re: What steals your Mojo?
« on: November 05, 2009, 07:05:34 PM »
I try to explain it as my story has an energy that is used in the writing of it and talking about it steals that energy.  I just quit talking about it.  "I am on chapter ##" is pretty much all I will share.

Author Craft / Re: What steals your Mojo?
« on: November 05, 2009, 03:57:28 PM »
You mean besides Dr. Evil (or I guess Fat Bastard)?   ::)

Strangely enough it worked out so that once I traveled back in time and teamed up with my future self I realized that I had never... wait, was that Austin from ten minutes ago or Austin ten minutes from now?  Oh no, I've gone cross-eyed!

Author Craft / What steals your Mojo?
« on: November 05, 2009, 03:39:47 PM »
What steals your Mojo and what do you do about it?  (I define Mojo as the enthusiasm and motivation to write)

For me there are 2 main Mojo Bandits:

1.  Insecurity.  All those little voices that insist that I am laying down bland, boring drivel and calling it a story or chapter.  They whisper things like "You actually think you are creative?".  I've gotten better at resisting this particular thief by viewing my novel as a marathon.  Right now it doesn't matter how good it is keep writing until you get to the end.

2.  Oddly enough, writing and publishing advice.  While some of it helps (Jim's Blog, Stephen J. Cannell's lecture on screen-writing, and writing excuses podcast) much of makes me feel overwhelmed.  Too much to accomplish with too little talent.  How can I keep all that in mind when I am writing?  Getting published sounds nigh impossible.  I try and recognize this negative influence and limit my reading to select items.  As far as taking advice seriously I mainly use 2 criteria to strain through the sources (1) Are they published professionally (2) do I like their writing.  I also remind myself that I am not trying to write literature, just tell a story I would like to read.

Author Craft / Re: What do you do when you want feedback...
« on: November 03, 2009, 01:33:47 PM »
I too have a question about LiveJournal (LJ).  I have noticed more than a few published authors use LJ.  Does it provide significantly different services than say Facebook or Google's Blogspot?  Is the choice technical (more services provided) or cultural (more authors join LJ because more authors are on LJ, kind of a self fullfilling prophecy)?

Author Craft / Re: What twisted thing comes out of your mind?
« on: October 31, 2009, 01:38:14 AM »
cool story Gritti!  I especially liked the whispering to the sand trick.  Gotta let this one brew for bit.

Author Craft / Re: What twisted thing comes out of your mind?
« on: October 29, 2009, 12:01:01 PM »
  Korg examined the window frame again.  He was at a loss how a mark 3 security screen could have been circumvented without setting off the alarms.  "This damn mudball." he muttered.  It was always something with these natives.  The ones on this damp, rocky island he had been assigned to seemed particularly clever at mischief making.  His Baldarian War Hog , Mesojo, had left him a colorful diarama in the library.  Something had gotten in last night but what?  Korg noticed a glint of metal behind the door.  He moved the door to reveal a mangled green hat with a blood spattered silver buckle.  Korg exploded in a full belly laugh.  He recalled this particular human story.  Mesojo , Jo for short, had eaten one of those little bastards and paid the price.  He chuckled "Oh, so thats why Jo's poop had those colors in it." 

P.S. If I may suggest a writing prompt "Hell had frozen over and I didn't know how to ice skate."

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: October 28, 2009, 07:12:06 PM »
He did indeed.  I apologize for bringing the angst.  Life really is good.  I am happy, just more...determined now.

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