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Messages - kittenbot

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Anyone have other pics?

i have a few, but i kinda accidentally took a few hour nap and now need to find foods and go back to sleep so i don't die at work tomorrow.  so my plan to upload tonight failed.  i shall upload tomorrow!

I as behind Group 13 to get a photo of Jim & my Daughter from MarsCon signed.  They wouldn't let me get it signed when I went through in Group 2.  It wasn't a book, therefore I couldn't get it signed.  Bitter, nah.  Got it signed in the end.

I listened to the audio on my Flip on the way back from DC, sounds good.  Gotta get that ripped & posted.

I think Jim broke out "I'm not going to tell you" at least 6 times!  Who's on the hit list was one time.

First sentence of Cold Days,
(click to show/hide)

I'll get more posted tomorrow. Today. Later Today, you know what I mean...

Yay! you got it signed!  i told ya he'd sign it.  i made it home around 1ish and crashed, and burned.  i gave one of my signed books to my friend's daughter who came with, abby.  she was ecstatic.  Toe-mos i owe you one. everyone else, glad you guys had fun. jim's great and fred's awesome.

i already pre-ordered mine. that kinda sucks. but maybe i'll buy another copy and get it signed for sumo.

is this a bad time to point out that i have NO clue where the bookstore is in Tyson's Corner?

Well KB, I currently have batches of Skyland Red, Centennial Ale, and Nut Brown Ale bottled.  No promises they will survive till Aug 1st though! ;D

ack! hey i have names to call and i'm not afraid to use them. *tosses a meanie poo poo head your way* seriously though if you have anything lighter and fruitier by then, bring me a bottle to try.

Glad you enjoyed the beer Heartsonycgr!  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again.

ohhh you don't happen to know how to make lambics do you? i totally meant to ask you that at marscon.  my brother tried and failed miserably. so he just started making super flavored vodka (mmm cherry cordial too so tasty nom nom nom) *screeeeeeech* ok tires back on track.  so if you bring me good beer i'll try extra hard to make it.  hmm wait. by good beer i mean something i like.  i'm not a fan of stouts. so something aley or fruity.  wait that wasn't completely back on track.  *looks at the treadmarks* ehhh close enough. it's kinda on the road. sometimes. a little.

Hey, count me in!  I'll be driving from work (about half hour away w/no traffic--heaven know w/traffic).  If folks are interested in bite to eat before/after I'm game!

wow, thanks hearts. make me look like the jerk out. :( if i go i'll be there as soon as i can, but it really depends on work/and a few other things. it really has nothing to do with whether or not i WANT to be there early to meet people.

hmm. all things considered, i might not be able to make it now.  don't count on me to be there guys.

I think some of us (I'm undecided) intend to drive home that night and work the next day, which excludes them from doing something afterwords.  On the same note, a large number of us have every intention of showing up really early to beat the notorious traffic in the area, which makes socializing beforehand very likely.

BTW, the group shouldn't be hard to find since I know at least I will be dressed up as Harry, with staff and coat.

i'll have to leave after and go home. so i can work the next day.  and i'm not dressing up as mollz

Will your boss let you leave early enough to join up for a forum meet and eat?

i don't know. it really depends on the mail tbh. we have hours until 12 and then i can leave when the mail gets here that day and just pick up the extra stuff i didn't do the next few days. in theory to tyson's it's about a 2 hour drive with traffic it could be more.  i'll need to figure out the exact address so i can cheat and gps it.

ohh i suppose i should ask my boss if i can leave early to go. 

hey, kb, can i leave work early?
well, kb, i think that might be alright. can you get all your work done in time?
ofc, kb, that shouldn't be a problem in the slightest.
well, kb, then i think you can leave early.

yup. boss confirmed, i can leave early.

(i love being the boss)

Yeah... I don't think I'll be able to do anymore cons for the next ten years.  I really shouldn't have gone to NYCC, much less another convention not half a year later.  As it stands, I don't even have the money to preorder Ghost Story at this point.


And I live about an hour from Baltimore so those who want to crash here & save $ can do so! :D

i live about an hour from baltimore too. but i don't know that i really have the time and money to go to another con this year. i'm pretty well spent for cons.

I live between Richmond, VA and Washinton, DC and I want to try to find a good release party.  I know there's a few Dresdenphiles down toward Virginia Beach and Williamsburg and I keep hearing rumors of a few up near Baltimore.  I guess it boils down to "Who's going to have the best Ghost Story release party in the Mid-Atlantic Region?"

Feel free to discuss below:

i could do DC or baltimore. if i'm picking up garrett it'd be dc only and even then it is 8 hours of driving for me. also, it being a tuesday makes my probability nil, as right now i'm the only person at work who can do my job.

"Virginia was built on smoke."

True statement.

i blame this for many of your problems. ;)

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