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Messages - ducky4u

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Just starting... again
« on: August 01, 2009, 02:08:16 AM »

Ok so I used to write a lot but certain events in my life have made it hard to do so. Thanks to such wonderful reading (such as our gracious author host Jim Butcher) I am starting to get comfortable with the idea of writing again. Here is my question:

How do you guys start? How do you organize your ideas? I can write pretty fast and fairly eloquently (hopefully) once I get started, but organization and raising the framework of the plot has always been my most difficult step. That being said, I thought I would get some suggestions from people who have been there before and maybe learned a couple tricks to getting those first couple steps done.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated and you have my eternal thanks.


"Laugh... it is the difference between friends."

Pages: [1]