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Messages - kjpowers

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DFRPG / Re: Using DFRPG to stat your favorite non Dresden characters
« on: August 20, 2010, 09:49:49 PM »
Good point. Maybe "Ex-Recon Scout Sniper"

DFRPG / Re: Using DFRPG to stat your favorite non Dresden characters
« on: August 20, 2010, 07:54:11 PM »
But NCIS is a Navy organization, in the Department of the Navy, reporting to the Secretary of the Navy. For that matter, the Marine Corps is also in the Department of the Navy...but that's neither here nor there.

Maybe something like "Ex-Marine Recon Sniper Team Lead", so you can Tag that for Stealth or Survival.

DFRPG / Re: Quick Character Feedback
« on: August 05, 2010, 10:32:30 PM »
Okay, I've got one more character in my "Mortals are solid" case study, sort of a companion character to William - his Uncle Jim. Another mortal that I tried to make highly capable, especially in a supporting role.

Name: James Theodore O’Brien
High Concept: Merchant Marine Miracle Worker
Trouble: My Past Haunts Me
Other Aspects: World Traveler, Victim of the Siren’s Song, Seattle Maritime Academy Professor, Venatori’s Mr. Fix-it, William’s Got my Back

Superb: Craftsmanship
Great: Endurance, Rapport
Good: Fists, Presence, Might,
Fair: Alertness, Athletics, Conviction, Guns,
Average: Contacts, Discipline, Investigation, Lore, Scholarship

Yes We Can (Craftsmanship): Gain 2 extra shifts of success to any successful Craftsmanship roll to make repairs.
Hard Boiled (Discipline): +2 when defending against a Mental Attack.
No Pain, No Gain (Endurance): One additional mild physical consequence.
Killer Blow (Fists): Use one Fate Point to gain 3 damage (once per scene).
Nautical Occultist (Lore): +1 to Sea Stories, +2 for Sea Monsters

Mental: OOO
Physical: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Social: OOOO

Total: –3 Refresh (Pure Mortal)

The resident Miracle Worker. James can basically fix anything, and Heaven forbid you get into an argument with the man – he can either talk or beat you into the ground.

DFRPG / Re: Quick Character Feedback
« on: August 05, 2010, 10:01:22 PM »
Wow, I really like that "find the gap" stunt. The character is a Professor, so I don't envision him walking around with brass knuckles or anything like that. That said, I don't see him as the kind of person to use weapons either...for him, it's fists or guns. I'm going to retool the stunts a bit more to reflect these changes. Thanks, everyone, for your feedback!

DFRPG / Quick Character Feedback
« on: August 04, 2010, 07:22:26 PM »
Hey folks,

I've seen previous threads talking about just how capable a vanilla mortal can be in a high-level game. I took a shot at making a character that would be both fun to play and fairly well rounded. Please feel free to give feedback. As a side-note, I know that Fists maybe isn't the best high-skill for a mortal, but I decided to roll with it.

Story-wise, the character is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Washington. A fairly young guy (33-34), he enlisted in the Army Reserve in the mid-90s while in college to help pay for his studies at an expensive private university in California. He was called to active duty for tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, and decided to stay on active duty because of the scarcity of soldiers with his skill set (Arabic and Farsi speaker, intelligence specialist)...a decision that ultimately cost him his marriage. His last billet was with the 75th Ranger Regiment, where he served in the Headquarters Company as the Senior Intelligence NCO.

After receiving his honorable discharge in 2009, O'Brien searched around for teaching opportunities in the Seattle Area. He spent a semester as a Lecturer before being offered a tenure-track position in Fall of 2009. He has a good rapport with his students, and gets suspicious when some of them start displaying odd behavior...

Name: William C. O’Brien, III
High Aspect: Inquisitive English Professor
Trouble: Wait, This Stuff is Real?
Other Aspects: Too Smart for My Own Good; 75th Ranger’s Resident Ph.D; I Got the House, She Got my Heart; Everyone’s Favorite Professor, Uncle Jim's Got My Back

Superb: Fists,
Great: Endurance, Scholarship,
Good: Conviction, Guns, Presence,
Fair: Alertness, Athletics, Investigation, Rapport
Average: Discipline, Lore, Performance, Resources, Survival,

Paranoid? Probably (Alertness): Gain +2 to Alertness when rolling against surprise.
Hard Boiled (Discipline): +2 when defending against a mental attack
Find the Gap (Fists): when using Fists you can hit vulnerable or exposed points; treat armor as 2 points lower.
Footwork (Fists): Allows fists to be used in the place of Athletics when unarmed
Redirect Force (Fists): May treat successful fists Defense as an Attack, place Temporary Aspect
Well, Actually… (Rapport): +2 when defending against a social attack

Total: -4 Refresh (Pure Mortal)

Notes: A highly capable character, Bill O’Brien boasts Great Initiative, Good Gun Skill, Fair General Defense, and Superb unarmed combat Offense and Defense. A 5th Degree Black Belt in Kajukenbo, Bill can very effectively break through his opponent's defenses and redirect attacks.

Bill has Good Defenses for Mental and Social attacks, respectively, though he really shines with his Great research skill. Other Social and Mental skills are Fair-Average, with some at Mediocre, and a Good Conviction Score.

Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO
Armor: Usually None.

Note: Modified 5 Aug, reflecting comments.

I have to say, from a story standpoint this game can go in so many directions. You killed a Ghoul? Morally justified or not, it would be interesting to see how that action will cause repercussions for your team. Is anyone a signatory or representative of the Accords? Was the Ghoul part of a Clan? If so, was a Weregild paid? Will your character's nature not only as an agent of balance but as an agent of a (Maybe) Freeholding Lord put you into a conflict that your boss wasn't expecting?

This is the beauty of the Dresden universe - politics. While I'll be interested to see how you work out your character-specific issues, I think the fallout from your team's actions could be an interesting story idea to pursue.

DFRPG / Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
« on: May 27, 2010, 12:20:40 AM »
I love the Teddy Roosevelt Winchester. Very nice!

DFRPG / Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« on: May 14, 2010, 06:14:28 PM »
Folks, I just found this post and I'm ridiculously excited. As a native San Franciscan (okay, I'm originally from Pacifica...San Francisco suburb), I've been half-mapping out SF in my head as an ideal location. You all have beat me to it! What can I do to help/participate?

DFRPG / Re: To warden or not to warden.
« on: May 14, 2010, 05:44:18 PM »
Here's my issue with the Wardens - not every badass Wizard is, or should be, wearing a Grey cloak. The Warden's are the police/soldiers of the Council, and as such their ability to act outside of that role is very, very limited. We've thus far seen the Council, and the Wardens, largely through the eyes of Harry Dresden, one of the top 20 most powerful spellslingers in the world (by his own estimation). Remember, if many on the Council had their way, his head would be bouncing on the floor in some abandoned warehouse.

Harry is a Warden because it was politically advantageous for him to become one, not because of his great power or skill. Just because your character is powerful doesn't mean the cloak is for them.

Now, the question I have to ask is: does your character owe anything to the Council? Does he feel a kind of deep, abiding respect for the Laws of Magic and the established role of Wizards in society? If the answer is yes, then I say put on the uniform. I would say the same thing to any young person who felt like serving their country was so important to them that they enlist in the military, or that protecting their community was so important to them that they put on a badge and a bulletproof vest.

Keep in mind, though, that many people serve their country and their community in very important ways without ever enlisting or putting on that badge.

Are there other reasons why one joins the Wardens/military/police? Sure, and maybe that works for your character. Regardless of the justification, everyone who wears the uniform has to follow the rules. If following the rules is something your character is about, awesome. But don't think you can jump into the never-never and consort with Summer without many on the Council trying to use you as a pawn.

Personally, I say keep the Cloak off, and create an equally badass NPC Warden who is a sometimes friend/sometimes foe. Just my 2 cents, though.

DFRPG / Re: Viking Risk Management, Subsidiary of Monoc Securities
« on: May 12, 2010, 08:16:02 PM »
I really like that idea, Baron. This universe is so rich with material, I think it would be a shame to see people just making their own rehashed versions of Jim Butcher's novels. I think if the folks on this board are any indication, there will be some awesome games running around the country. 

That all being said, I would think Old World when looking at payment. There is real value in objects, service, and knowledge. Maybe the folks at Monoc aren't as interested in mundane currency as they are in favors or promises of service. Imagine someone like Harry having his apartment insured for the small price of a favor to be determined later. Maybe the Names of creatures in the Never-Never, complete with how they are summoned.

DFRPG / Re: Powers to get sponsored by
« on: May 05, 2010, 09:15:45 PM »
Thanks, Archmage_Cowl! I just feel like there is SO much out there, be it in the myths of antiquity or more modern folklore. I've been toying around with some of the ancient Mesopotamian Gods, and I also think that American folklore is rife with opportunity. John Henry's enchanted hammer, anyone? 

DFRPG / Re: Powers to get sponsored by
« on: May 05, 2010, 07:10:30 PM »
Oh, there is so much myth to dive into when looking for a sponsor! I've had so much fun reading back over some of my old textbooks looking for inspiration (I studied ancient history in college). Here's an example that I used for an NPC character of mine (forgive the backstory, but it sets up the Sponsor):

Mario Martello, patriarch of the Martello family of Sacramento, originally hailed from Eastern Italy before immigrating to the United States with his family in 1937. He enlisted in the Army following Pearl Harbor, and qualified for training with the Devil's Brigade, the American-Canadian 1st Special Services Force (and one of the grandfather units of modern US Special Forces). Sergeant Bosso (as he was then known) was among the first soldiers to land in Italy, and was commended for his valor in combat. Mario was greatly troubled by fighting with his fellow countrymen, but knew that Italy was on the wrong moral and ethical side of the Second World War.

Scouting along the countryside one night outside of Anzio, Mario came across three wounded and starving Italian soldiers. Martello administered medical aid to the best of his ability and offered the three men some of his own rations before claiming them as prisoners of war. The next night, again on a scouting patrol, Mario was visited by Diomedes, the former King of Argos and hero of the Trojan War who was elevated to Godhood by Athena for his deeds in the Trojan War and the service of his late father, Tyedus.

Diomedes was an ideal soldier, one who treated his enemies with respect but also showed no fear in combat. Diomedes and Herakles are unique among myth for being the only mortals to wound members of the Pantheon, though Diomedes is especially noteworthy given his lack of divine birth. He was respected for his wise counsel, and was among the most wise of the Greek leaders despite his relatively young age (though, admittedly, he was the most distinguished veteran of the Epigoni War). Following the destruction of Troy and the fleeing of the Trojan people to Italy, Diomedes himself left Argos and migrated to Italy, where he founded the 10 Italian cities. Fans of Virgil will remember his famous appearance in the Aeneid.

So, to make a long story short, Diomedes recognized several very important traits in the young solider, and offered him an opportunity to make a difference in the world. As a God of Heroes, Diomedes has spent countless generations empowering a mortal to serve as his Liaison in the mundane world, working to keep average people safe from threats they don't understand. While his power has diminished significantly from what it once was, Diomedes none-the-less lives on in history and literature classes around the world.

Being Diomedes' Hammer (Italian translation: Martello) is a thankless job, one filled with restless dreams and a hyper-awareness that forever destroys one's opportunity to live a normal, quite life. In return, however, Mario was granted the skills of Diomedes himself, among them excellent prowess in combat, uncanny wisdom, and the ability to quickly recover from injury. Since taking on the mantel of Martello sixty six years ago, three generations of Mario's family have fought tirelessly to make the world a slightly safer place to live...regardless of the cost.

DFRPG / Re: Looking for character feedback
« on: May 04, 2010, 10:54:54 PM »
Okay folks, here are my first two completed characters, with stats. Feel free to use at your pleasure:

*Theodore R. Richardson is a self-styled Ronin Wizard currently on retainer by the Venatori Umbrorum. A strong evocation expert with some additional skills in warding, Ted is first-and-foremost a combat Wizard of the old school. Once a feared Venatori Enforcer, Richardson has only recently come back "into the world" after spending almost two decades as enemy number one of the (now extinct) Ghoul Clan Khanacal. Don't let his time away fool you, however, as Ted Richardson is still one of the last people you would want to see on the other side of the battlefield.

Name: Ted Richardson

High Concept: Ex-Special Forces Ronin Wizard
Trouble: Hunter of Shadows, Hunted by Shadows
Other: Martha’s New Deal Apprentice; Devil’s Brigade, Korea, and Real Combat; Venatori Staff Wizard, You Wouldn’t Believe my Night Job…
Superb: Conviction
Great: Discipline, Lore,
Good: Athletics, Weapons, Guns,
Fair: Alertness, Intimidation, Investigation, Endurance,
Average: Contacts, Deceit, Fists, Rapport, Resources,


No Pain, No Gain (Endurance) [-1]: Add one minor physical consequence
Person of Conviction (Conviction) [-1]: Uses conviction to determine Social stress
Evocation [–3]
Rituals: Wards [-2]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Refinement [-1]
Total: -9 Refresh
Rote Spells:
Folguris (Lightning Attack as Force, Five Shifts): Directs a tight beam of magical lightning (Weapon:5) at a target. Requires his Class Ring.
Mirui ab Airae (Air Block, Six Shifts): creates a small wall of air to protect Ted, and functions as either Armor:3 or a Block:6. Requires the Shield Wristwatch.
Strigare (Earth Attack as Force, Four Shifts): Amplifies the gravity around an attacker (Like getting hit by a maul), dealing Weapons:4 damage.

Gliscere Fulgor (Lightning Attack as Force, Six Shifts): Allows Ted to cover his Shikomizue Sword (or another weapon) with crackling Lightning, modifying the blade/weapon to Weapon:X+3. Requires Class Ring to cast.


Evocation: Elements (Earth, Air, Spirit); Control (Air + 1)

Focus Items:
Class Ring [+1 Offensive Control with Air]
Shield Wristwatch [+1 Defensive Control and Defensive Power with Air]

Enchanted Items:
Shikomizue Sword  [Weapon:3] (2 enchanted item slots)
* The magical effects of this sword may be used 3 times per session
* The Sword casts a counterspell of Great (+4) strength, provided the effect being countered can be physically attacked or touched by a sword (ethereal chains, good; a mental binding, not so much)

Shikomizue Scabbard [Weapon:2] (4 Enchanted item slots)
* The Magical effects of this scabbard may be used 5 times per session
* The Scabbard casts a blast of force at Weapon:5 strength. Uses discipline skill to aim. 


Mental: OOOO (+1 Minor Mental Consequence)
Physical: OOO (+1 Minor Physical Consequences)
Social: OOOO (+1 Minor Social Consequence)
Armor: 3, with Magic


*Joseph Martello, Ed.D, is an Education Consultant for the California State Senate, focusing mostly on higher education least, that's what he is to most people. Joe is a member of the Martello family; yeah, THAT Martello family - the one's that have spent the last six decades making Sacramento a place where things don't go bump in the night. A keen mind for things mundane and supernatural alike, Joe brings the same dedication and discipline to his research that have made him a respected 3rd Degree Black Belt in Kajukenbo and a combat-decorated veteran of the War in Iraq.

Name: Joseph Martello, Ed.D

High Concept: Monster-Hunting Legislative Aide
Trouble: The Family Name
Other: I Hail from River City; Welcome to Iraq, Doc; You Wouldn’t Believe My Night Job…


Superb: Scholarship,
Great: Fists, Lore,
Good: Athletics, Endurance, Guns,
Fair: Alertness, Discipline, Rapport, Resources,
Average: Contacts, Conviction, Deceit, Investigation, Presence,

On my Toes (Alertness)[-1]: +2 when determining combat initiative
Legislative Aide (Contacts): +2 when dealing with government contacts
Lethal Weapons (Fists) [-1]: Weapons:2 versus unarmored opponents
Kajukenbo (Fists) [-1]: Attack +1 when facing multiple opponents
Extensive Training (Fists) [-1]: May use Fists for Batons, Staves, Knives, and Katana.
Finely Tuned Third Eye (Lore) [-1]: +2 to Lore for Alertness when detecting supernatural
Occultist: (Lore) [-1]: +2 to Lore with declarations regarding magical countermeasures
Total: -5 Refresh

Mental: OOO
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOO
Armor: Usually, None

Notes: Great initiative, depending on the situation, with Good-Superb attacks and Good-Great defense. Normally carries a concealed sidearm (weapon:2) that he uses with Good skill. A third degree black belt in Kajukenbo, Joe’s fists strike unarmored opponents at weapons:2 strength, and when outnumbered his skill rises to Superb. Because of Joe’s extensive training, he can wield clubs, knives, staves, and a katana with Great skill.

While Joe is very capable in the field, some of his specific non-combat are truly impressive. Joe’s ability to detect the supernatural is Fantastic, as is his knowledge of magical defenses and countermeasures. Joe also has Good contacts within government, and more than a few people owe him favors. With a Masters in History, a Doctorate in Education Policy, and his combat medical background, Joe’s scholarship rating is aptly considered Superb.

DFRPG / Re: Looking for character feedback
« on: May 04, 2010, 12:52:13 AM »
Okay, I removed the Scabbard - I like the idea of his having the ring more - a bit more mobile. Now I've got a wizard with no staff or other large foci...not really an issue, I don't think.

DFRPG / Re: Looking for character feedback
« on: May 04, 2010, 12:43:11 AM »
Okay folks, finalized Ted Richardson stat block (at least, until someone notices something I should change!)

Name: Ted Richardson
High Concept: Special Forces Ronin Wizard
Trouble: Hunter of Shadows, Hunted by Shadows
Other: Martha’s New Deal Apprentice; Devil’s Brigade, Korea, and Real Combat; Venatori Staff Wizard, You Wouldn’t Believe my Night Job…
Superb: Conviction
Great: Discipline, Lore,
Good: Athletics, Fists, Guns
Fair: Alertness, Intimidation, Investigation, Endurance,
Average: Contacts, Deceit, Stealth, Rapport, Resources,


No Pain, No Gain (Endurance) [-1]: Add one minor physical consequences
Person of Conviction (Conviction) [-1]: Uses conviction to determine Social stress
Armed Arts (Fists) [-1]: (Shikomizue Scabbard and Shikomizue Sword)
Evocation [–3]
Rituals: Wards [-2]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Total: -9 Refresh
Rote Spells:

Folguris (Lightning Attack as Force, Five Shifts): Directs a tight beam of magical lightning (Weapon:5) at a target. Requires his Class Ring to cast.
Mirui ab Airae (Air Block, Six Shifts): creates a small wall of air to protect Ted, and functions as either Armor:3 or a Block:6. Requires the Shield Watch.
Strigare (Earth Attack as Force, Four Shifts): Amplifies the gravity around an attacker (Like getting hit by a maul), dealing Weapons:4 damage.

Gliscere Fulgor (Lightning Attack as Force, Six Shifts): Allows Ted to Cover his Shikomizue Sword with crackling Lightning, modifies blade to Weapon:6. Requires Class Ring to use (held in off-hand).


Evocation: Elements (Earth, Air, Spirit); Control (Air + 1)

Focus Items:
Class Ring [+1 Offensive Control with Air]
Shield Wristwatch [+1 Defensive Control and Defensive Power with Air]

Enchanted Items:
Shikomizue Sword  [Weapon:3] (2 enchanted item slots)
* The magical effects of this sword may be used 3 times per session
* The Sword casts a counterspell of Great (+4) strength, provided the effect being countered can be physically attacked or touched by a sword (ethereal chains, good; a mental binding, not so much)


Mental: OOOO (+1 Minor Mental Consequence)
Physical: OOO (+1 Minor Physical Consequences)
Social: OOOO (+1 Minor Social Consequence)
Armor: 3 with Magic

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