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Messages - Zenbear30

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: what sort of adventures do you run?
« on: July 13, 2009, 04:49:30 AM »
Currently I am running a D20 modified game, I have 7 players.
(Three Faye, Two wizards, One werewolf, One Scion of power.)

So far the game has had four runs, and the snark quotes which I throw up on my facebook for people to read are just hilarious. 
I havent let anyone do a vamp, simply because it would directly come into conflict with the plot I have devised, in my sadistic mind. 

I had to ask myself four basic questions.
1.  What would happen, if a war did break out (Between white and black councils)
2.  What if maab and Titania decided they had plenty of mortals and vamps running around through their lands, and decided to join the fray in their own ways.
3.  What would the whole mess look like as it started to unfold?
4.  What if the WHOLE thing were being played by a being from beyond the nine gates.

Right now as its unfolding its White council, versus the vamps, and the shadow walkers (Stolen from the D20 urban arcana book)
Dragons being neutral (Ive set the number rather low, (less then 20 all told) With one being more or less amused with the whole situation.
The faye who have created a new breed, truely half human and half faye, whos abilities are born from killing faye creatures.  IE, gryphons, Goblins etc etc.
Scions running the last man standing for themselves
And then the black council just doing their hijinks.

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