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Messages - Jibril

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DFRPG / Re: Tackling Building New York City
« on: May 17, 2011, 09:57:11 PM »
Hi. I’m new here and english isn’t my first language, so pardon my – sometimes – bad english.

Anyway, me and my group decided to Dresdenize Manhattan. I would like to hear your opinion on the themes and threats that we created. In advance – most of it was created basing our knowledge upon Wikipedia and the movies.

THEME 01: The city hides it’s darker side under the glamorous mask. Art, culture, knowledge, science, finance – it’s just a mask to hide the ugly side of the city. Politicians are corrupt, greedy and power-hungry – as long as they have power they don’t care about anything. The police becomes more brutal with each passing day trying to maintain the order - more and more cops starts to bend the rules to get the job done. The poor and the homeless wallow in their despair over their fate – brought upon them by greedy employers, uncaring landlords, apathetic government.

ASPECT: Glamorous rotting Big Apple

THEME 02: Welcome to the concrete jungle – predators abound. This city is dangerous. One wrong turn and you can be mugged, killed or raped. If you’re lucky that is. If not you can become food for the ghouls or the were-rats from the sewers and unused metro tunnels. Or you can become a slave to the vampires. Or you take a wrong turn and instead of ending next to the cinema you appear in a strange land with blue grass and centaurs galloping in the distance. There are portals to the Nevernever hidden in most places of the city. Some are in the tunnels, other in dark corners and hidden in abandoned building. And some are on the top of skyscrapers. And the supernatural predators use them.

ASPECT: It’s jungle – and you’re the prey

THREAT 01: There is no Accorded Neutral Grounds. The last ANG burned down in a freak accident with it’s owner inside. Now three distinctive establishment petitioned queen Mab for this status. Mab refused declaring that only one ANG can exist in a city and that they should decide between them who shall get this status. A large conflict is brewing because every competitor has some power behind them. One of the potential ANG is a bookshop near Central Park that is run by w wizard of the White Council. It’s competitor is a small Chinese restaurant in Chinatown run by 600-years old Jade Court Vampire. And there is the final competitor – somehow forgotten theater turned bar/theater/club on Broadway run by a former changeling of the Summer Court – who employs mostly changelings and scions.

ASPECT: No Safe Zone

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