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Messages - CSDylan

Pages: [1]
I'm confused. You want to copyright a video game that isn't even past the drafting phase so that you can make a forum for the people working on it? Why not just make the forum, you don't need a copyright for that just use a password you only give it to the people on staff.
Now if you talking about getting a copyright so you can post it on a public forum then you're kind of SOL because someone could still steal it.

Author Craft / Re: Locations and Copywrite (or, Is Disney gonna sue)
« on: July 11, 2009, 11:44:24 PM »
In hind sight I shouldn't have put 'Disney' in the thread title since my question had very little to do with the mouse... Anyway, I guess I could vague it up and simply imply Busch Gardens, then I can find out the exact answers to all my questions once I've actually gotten something picked up. Besides, it doesn't really play an important part in this book, or any of the others in the series.

Author Craft / Re: Locations and Copywrite (or, Is Disney gonna sue)
« on: July 09, 2009, 11:25:36 AM »
This is true, but he released it under Creative Commons or something. Eh, screw it, I'll just leave it as is and move on. The publisher will tell me if I could get sued, right?

Author Craft / Re: Book title Patterns
« on: July 09, 2009, 11:20:35 AM »
Maybe not stringent, but it was a definate theme: The Invasion, The Deception, The Stranger, The Message, ect. I'm just curious what kinds of patterns other people have noticed, liked, or used themselves.

Author Craft / Locations and Copyright (or, Is Disney gonna sue)
« on: July 08, 2009, 12:56:05 PM »
Okay so I'm getting to the point in my first book where it looks like it could actually be considered publishable, there's just one problem. At least one scene features Busch Gardens, a theme park/zoo in the Tampa Bay area, and I have no idea if I'm allowed to do that.
For those who don't know, Busch Gardens is/was owned by Anheuser Busch (Or InBev, whatever) which is, you know, a big beer company, Where as I am a half-broke lives-with-his-mother 20 year-old. Needless to say I could use without the lawsuit, but at the same time the park itself offers a wonderful setting (not to mention a scene involving an enchanted rhino).

So long story short I need to know if I can even submit the book with the scene, or if I have to find another way for it to work.

Fixed title...copywrite isn't the same as copyright. -Mickey

Author Craft / Book title Patterns
« on: July 07, 2009, 12:10:53 PM »
It's obvious that a lot of series use a consistant style for their titles.
The [blank] for Animorphs
Dead is in the title of all the Sookie Stackhouse books (as far as I know
Jim uses two word phrases for Dresden (or used to I guess)

I was just wondering what you guys thought were some good patterns you've seen or are considering using. Personally I've taken to useing Bob Dylan songs, if only as working titles.

My favorites:
Quote from: Tony Alfieri
The dame sauntered silently into Rocco's office, but she didn't need to speak; the blood-soaked gown hugging her ample curves said it all: "I am a shipping heiress whose second husband was just murdered by Albanian assassins trying to blackmail me for my rare opal collection," or maybe, "Do you know a good dry cleaner?"

Quote from: Steve Lynch
The appearance of a thin red beam of light under my office door and the sound of one, then two pair of feet meant my demise was near, that my journey from gum-shoe detective to international agent had gone horribly wrong, until I realized it was my secretary teasing her cat with a laser pointer.

Also this one:
Quote from: Andrew Manoske
Towards the dragon's lair the fellowship marched -- a noble human prince, a fair elf, a surly dwarf, and a disheveled copyright attorney who was frantically trying to find a way to differentiate this story from "Lord of the Rings."

Author Craft / Re: What do I pick up to work on?
« on: June 18, 2009, 12:11:32 PM »
Guess I'm the only one who picked 'Horses and the People who Transport Them.'  ::)

Author Craft / Bartlett Loring's Works
« on: June 11, 2009, 03:17:16 PM »
It's a coincidence. Honest. Just because I have the same birthday means nothing! :P

Author Craft / When Pigs Fly: A Twisted Tale of the Apocalypse
« on: June 11, 2009, 02:08:08 PM »
Yesterday I started writing a quirky little story about the consequences of a scientist genetically engineering a pig with wings. The plot is still a little rough but it centers around a confused high school junior being dragged around his wacky adventure hungry girlfriend best friend while the world falls into insanity. Here's a small sample:

When the video of Steve the Pig first hit youtube everyone called it a hoax. After all a piglet with bat wings was absolutly absurd, let alone one that could actually use those wings. But then more videos showed up from the small town of Stillwater, Kansas with a pink shape flying through the sky. Before long people started coming from all over the the country in hope of proving or disproving the creature's existance. More out of focus video and photos and eyewitness accounts came out, and before long everyone in America wanted to know the truth about Steve.
That is except for Billy McGee, who was too busy trying to work up the nerve to ask out Stacy Ling, a senior the editor of the Stillwater High Tribune and most beautiful girl in school. He watched as she handed out assignments to everyone on the staff. He loved how her black hair shone under the otherwise harsh fluorescent lights. How her brow knitted when she really got serious about her job. How her voice was like-
"Billy! Pay attention when I'm talking or I'll stick undercover in the middle school so fast you'll think the Flash put you there." Stacy said sharply. Billy sat bolt up in his chair.
"Sorry." He said as he tried to pay attention to her without focusing too much on how beautiful her ocean-blue eyes were.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: June 06, 2009, 07:45:28 PM »
Okay, so I'm Dylan an aspiring author from the Sunshine State (Florida, for those who don't know the nickname). I've been an aspiring author for awhile now, but only recently have I actually started really trying to put my ideas down. I'm currently working on several stories, but there is one that really stands out: The Grail Keeper Chronicles.
Originally conceived as a series about a PI specializing in paranormal phenomenon, it has since been nearly completely revamped into a series about a bartender named Kate Morgan who finds herself thrust into the position of being the Grail Keeper, and yes I do mean that Grail. The Grail Keeper is tasked with protecting, well, the Grail using Excalibur. As is rather obvious, the story is loosely based on arthurian legend with a little creative license thrown in.
I don't really have any samples that that show the style of the story with out giving away major plot points, so instead here's the pitch I came up with:

After years in the Marines, Kate thought that working at a bar would be relatively boring. But when a man stumbled into the Round Table covered in blood, that all changed. Now she's mystically bound to a werwolf, chased by all manner of nasty creatures of the night, being berated by arrogant know-it-all Elves, oh, and she's also suddenly the chosen wielder of Excalibur and protecter of the Holy Grail. So much for that boring normal life.

Sidenote: The series itself takes place in the Tampa Bay area. Partly because there are hardly any books that take place there, but mostly because I've lived her my whole life and have a solid grasp of the setting.

I've got drafts for a few chapters of 'On the Rocks' with a load of notes, outlines, and even some scenes for at least 6 more in the bar series. I've even got a title in mind for the last book: 'You Don't Have to go Home...' Because I'm a geek like that.
As for the book's verse, I've got a consistant setup for how weres work as well as a sort of council for the supernatural world in the form of Vulcan-esqe elves. I've got a couple different kinds of magic, like Wicca, witchcraft, and some magitech as well as Holy things like crosses, holy water, and of course the Grail itself.
I also have worked out, in detail, gnome mating, marrige, and divorce practices. They are all very disturbing and are not suitible for print. Or even thinking about.

I'm still working on the magic system and alien biology for 'Alterra', but I do have a solid setting that is basically the 1950's America, only, you know, not. I've also got a wide range of characters, though I'm trying to weed it down to a managble amount.

I have bits and pieces of story for the Life after people idea, but I've yet to come up with the why and how for where everyone went, let alone why some show up again. As for the rest, well that's basically all I've got.

Author Craft / Bartlett Loring's Works
« on: June 04, 2009, 11:02:17 AM »
Hi all! I'm not exactly published yet, but I've been working on a few projects under the name 'Bartlett Loring' (Technically my legal name). Among them is an as yet unnamed series about a (female) bartender living in Tampa Bay, Florida who becomes the keeper of The Grail (yes, that one), the first book being titled 'On the Rocks'. Long story short it's like if Buffy worked at Coyote Ugly, only minus the super strength and plus a werewolf accountant.

I'm also working on a trilogy tentatively titled 'Alterra', which is about an alternate Earth that's a lot like our own only magic is commonplace and the countries are different. Oh, and they get invaded by aliens.

Then there are my baby projects, which are mostly just ideas. One is inspired by 'Life After People' on History, basically everyone disappears one day, then 100 years later they show up again, I'm still working on the why though. Then there's 'Sarah: The bravest little girl in the world.' which has a little girl find her self in a magical world with her imaginary friend, but things get progressively darker as she follows her friend. Finally there's an as yet unnamed adventure/romance set 20 minutes in the future.

I don't really have time to go into more detail cause I'm late for class, so I'll post more when I get home. I'd love feedback and any questions anyone has, they help me flesh out my ideas.

Author Craft / Re: New Storyline... authors wanted
« on: June 04, 2009, 12:32:35 AM »
Nobody had been in the lower sections of the city in years. There were stories of all manner of creatures lurking in the depths of the Undercity, as was usual for such places. The temperature dropped as the pair walked deeper into the dark underworld of the city causing her to pull herself closer to him, not that he minded of course.
Eventually they came across what was once a children's playground, most of it's equipment rusted beyond recognition with one exception. A swing set that had once been painted a bright blue stood in the center of the area, rusted but not nearly as bad as the rest. A small smile formed on her face as she pulled him towards it.

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