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Messages - IrishSailor

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: what playable stuff are you hoping for?
« on: January 11, 2010, 10:19:02 PM »
Really looking forward to the True Believer class. I already have an idea for a group of priests, brothers and lay people within the Vatican formed to help and augment the Knights of the Cross. Of course, the Church would disavow them if something were to happen. You know, because all of this supernatural stuff is just hogwash anyway.

They would act as the eyes and ears for the KotC. When the KotC were engaged with the Denarians (or some other evil) they would be responsible for the safety of people in their area. The new leader of this organization is pressuring the Vatican to allow him to open channels with the White Council and specifically the Wardens. After all, they are on the same side (for the most part) and with the Wardens streched thin due to the war with the Red Court, they could use people who:

A) know what is up
B) know how to blend in
C) have no love for the things that go bump in the night
D) have intelligence gathering capabilites that Wardens could use.

For a name, I'm leaning toward the Knightly Order of St. George. He was a martyr and famous for...slaying a dragon.

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