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Messages - Telum Voltas

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I imagine that those people would be in the minority. Most of the folks I've played with haven't liked being absolutely forced to do something without an option.

I suppose I phrased my idea poorly.

What I mean is, you're only FORCED to do the action if all your OTHER choices are worse ones (or if your choices leading up to your quandry are so bad that there's no other option).  It's like dying in an RPG: You don't LIKE dying, but sometimes the things you do make it unavoidable to die.  As I showed in my example with not feeding on clergy, you don't necessarily HAVE to act according to your Compel, but it DOES provide a moral quandry that wouldn't be there if you could just ignore your Compel.  The fun isn't in being backed into a corner from which your only egress is the Compel; it's about making you choose between the monster that's in your nature and whatever the alternative is.

Harry faced similar distasteful choices when dealing with Lash.  His cooperation with her on various occasions was distasteful, but he decided that the cost of NOT cooperating would be too high.  That's what I'm talking about.  Not "here is your adventure.  Minute 1: you must do this.  Now you may resume playing your character" sort of things.  Just "If I do this, will I be in a hole so deep that my only choice will be to ____?"

Playing a character who HAS to give in to their Compels could make for interesting roleplay as well.  How far out of your way will your Sidhe warrior go out of his way to avoid being asked something thrice?  Or what if your White Court vampire has sworn to avoid feeding on a member of the Catholic Clergy, but he's just fought a devastating battle to save a classroom full of catholic schoolchildren?  Will you then break the vow and feed on the Sister responsible for them, or will you sate your hunger on an innocent child?  Or would you find some other way to feed, while still obeying your compulsion not to feed on a nun?

It's not the style of game for everyone, and it's sure to garner cries of "toot toot, railroad!" from some, but it provides a challenge that some people would find even more fun than free will.

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