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Messages - jeniferj

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Thanks for sharing those pics, Jen. I even caught a glimpse of myself in one of them. :D

No problem.  Oh, and if any of you are familiar with "tagging" pictures in Facebook, please feel free to tag yourself or anyone else you know.  It will help me learn and remember names!! :)

It's understandable, but so unfortunate you couldn't stay.  You'll have to keep track of future events, as Frogge mentioned!

We will.  All three of us are still a bit regretful that we didn't stay for dinner.  But we had such a good day, it's hard to be too sad! :)  Did Shannon make it to dinner?  I really wanted to talk with her a bit more, but she was having her ear bent by a potential author :)

BTW, Ley (Aine?), where do we look at and maybe pick up some of your t-shirts??

We didn't get to the bookstore to a little after 6:00 due to pizza place snafu, but the bookstore owner was there.  I'm very sad we missed you, but very glad you found your way to the forum. 

I see on your facebook you met a great group of Dresden fans, you should have brought them over to sit with us, too!  ;)

(We'll have to put up a pic of our round-table co-opting of the signing area, btw.  Hehehe.) 

Thanks!  We wandered around the store for a bit.  I hate to be a weenie, but one of the reasons we didn't stay is because the store was really musty.  I was concerned about my asthma/allergies in a prolonged stay.  I'm sad we didn't get to hang out with everyone, though!

Hi All!

This is Jen from "Jen and Jon."  I was in Independence today and met several forum members (sorry, I'm horrible at names).  Just wanted to give you all access to the pictures I took today.  You can find them here ( 

Thanks so much for including Jon, Tony, and I in your group today.  We had such a great time meeting you all (and meeting Jim and Shannon, of course!).  We did try to catch you at the bookstore at 6:00!  Hope you all had a good time and everyone gets home safely!

Jim and Shannon -- you were so gracious and patient today!  It was so good to meet you.  Thanks for sharing your time with us.  I hope next time we get the chance to hear you speak. 


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