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Messages - jlac

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Earth Stomp and Inhuman Strength
« on: April 14, 2010, 07:59:09 PM »
I was looking at the sample evocation spell  Earth Stomp (YS 293).  The spell is opposed by the target's Might.  Now, lets assume the target is a Zombie (OW 93).  It has Mediocre (+0) Might (I assume, since the skill is not specifically listed), but also has the Inhuman Strength [-2] Supernatural Power (YS 193).  For purposes of defending against Earth Stomp, what would the Zombie's adjusted Might be?  Does it get the +3 to Might as per Improved Lifting, +1 Might as per Bruising Strength, or does Inhuman Strength [-2] really not apply in this situation?  Or, maybe use the Supernatural Power's refresh penalty as a positive increase (+2 in this case)?

Also, isn't it suspicious that all my page references above end in 93, even across the different books?  :-\

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