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Messages - Alabaster

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: April 23, 2009, 05:06:24 PM »
I found the books because of the series I am ashamed to say :-\.  I had heard of Jim but hadn't read any of his work.  I saw the "based on" thing on the series credits and bought the  first 5 books at my local waldens.  Within 4 days I had them read, and I went back and bought the next 4, waited impatiently for the next to come out and promptly bought it the day it came out, lol.  Since then I have reread them all twice and have had to repurchase many of them because they became casualties in my war to get everyone to read them, lol. 

I prefere to think that I found the author because of the show though, because I fell in love with the Alera books as well. 

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