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Messages - Justin

Pages: [1]
Okay, so, let me see if I understand how that would work.  Let's say you've got a Red Court Vampire with an Aspect like "Uncontrolled Red Court Vassal."  To him, I suppose Fate Points represent whatever magic he gains from drinking mortal blood.  So, when he has no Fate Points, he can't resist any compels against that Aspect, such as the desire to drink blood.  Once he's been compelled enough times to gain an actual Fate Point, he can then use that Fate Point to resist the next Compel to drink blood.  Logically, a GM would want their Red Court NPCs to be well fed. 

And correct me if I'm wrong, but a person's Refresh rate will only bring them back up to that many Fate Points if they have fewer than their Refresh.  If they have more Fate Points than their Refresh Rate, nothing happens.  They don't lose the extra ones.

For a PC Aspect, let's say you've got a Focused Practitioner with something like "Neuromancer."  The player can tap that Aspect, spending a Fate Point to gain bonuses on his rolls when using a mind-affecting spell.  That would be the good side of the Aspect.  The bad side would be the GM compelling the player to use his Neuromancy to "fix" things, like other people's personalities.  This would earn the Neuromancer a Fate Point, which he can then use to tap his Neuromancer Aspect to gain a bonus to his roll to act on the Compel.

Wow.  It does become easier to bend other minds the more yours gets bent.

Do I have the gist of things?

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