« on: April 15, 2009, 08:07:20 PM »
I don't mean to be a jerk here, so please take this as a constructive comment, and know your the author and all that jazz..
but I would have to say that your average student doesn't get caught up in the international scene all that often, and if two nations send international students to the same school, odds are good that its pretty spendy.
spendy works on the tuition angle. but the gumshoe angle is a little light. cast your mc as a bright kid on scholarship, who "completely unrelated to the murders" gets caught dabbling with some low level black magic charms and what not. (supplying magic brew-ski's to your frats) he's been doing this for cash, scholarships don't pay for lots of stuff, acedemic, or impressing rich girls. now, to save his ass, your mc is put in as a rat, trying to get the dirt on some rich frat kid whose mommy or daddy is connected. cause the heat wants an airtight case,
that way, you get a cool anti_hero MC, plenty of room for heavy hitters, and multiple stories to add depth. plus, once the cops got you, they got you. chaching sequel. plus, your MC might have a story or two just dabbling on the wrong side of the law.
just my suggestion, I think it gives you much more room to play, more real world cred, and lets you raise the stakes for the next run