« on: March 12, 2025, 01:01:58 AM »
Mira, are you confident that Mother Margaret is dead? I'm not, even in the face of WOJs. In writing 26 books and more about Dresden, I think Butcher may well have to engage in "willful misdirection" in answering questions, else his non-answers/refusals to answer have fans figuring out what Butcher wants to keep hidden for revelations at his own time. In that regard, at times the series reminds me of Three's Company - can someone just have a conversation to explain things to Dresden, and avoid a lot of misunderstandings and avoidable conflict? Since no one clues Dresden in on critical matters - like what does Starborn actually mean or do for Dresden - what are they hiding from Dresden and why?
I spent some time researching to see if it was impossible that Margaret had assumed the Leanansidhe mantle (like Mab, the Winter/Summer Ladies, the Winter/Summer Knights - a theory of mine). It would be a bit awkward, though Lea does call Dresden 'my son' a few times.