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Messages - Erenthia

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DFRPG / Re: Having trouble with character creation
« on: November 23, 2012, 08:02:24 PM »
Well if I did take the Forge as Sponsored Magic, it would be a Place of Power and probably a ley line connected to a spirit of creation and renewal, but yeah I didn't intend to have Karma Magic right from the beginning.  I wanted his story to be about learning how that stuff works and eventually turning his weakness into a strength.  (and also by surpassing his parents by developing magic they never had).  Actually the whole reason I decided I don't want to have the Forge as Sponsored Magic is because that would mean I'd end up with two forms of it later...which I suppose Harry has as of Cold Days, but I don't want to go that far.

DFRPG / Re: Having trouble with character creation
« on: November 23, 2012, 07:52:55 PM »
Actually I don't know that his parents have lost their powers completely, but I understand your points.  And as I said, this isn't really intended as a power build regardless of what it may look like.  I had a fairly extensive backstory long before I had the books in hand, and I'm just trying to be true to that. (while also learning the system from scratch which is why I'm looking at so many powers.  I don't even know if they're appropriate or not and I want to learn how they work either way)

And I didn't mean to imply it was a financial debt (though I suppose if your sponsor was some kind of Dwarf-like being it might want gold).  Just that the debt system works like what I wanted for his Karmic Debt which he fell into when he used magic to cheat casinos out of millions of dollars. 

Also I'm bad at simple.  I do simple like Harry does subtle. 

DFRPG / Re: Having trouble with character creation
« on: November 23, 2012, 07:22:05 PM »
Ok, wow.  A frequency focus sounds like a good investment.  And a forge makes more sense as something you can't take with you. 

So a Place of Power grants additional options but no more raw power (such as increased complexity)?  I'm not sure how the whole debt system works, though I'm pretty fuzzy on things like declarations.  Honestly it sounds more appropriate for his Karmic Debt though for that I had imagined him as having already gotten the good stuff out of that and still having to pay it off.  Later I wanted to have his understanding of karma to allow him to use it to his advantage, but for the moment his debt was a justification for his high Resources.  I suppose when he does get that understand, that will be a form of Sponsored Magic (Karma Magic) allowing him powerful effects similar to (but opposite in effect as) entropy curse by saving up good deeds, doing random acts of kindness, helping people in need, etc.  Magic Morality.  I think Harry does this without realizing it...a lot.   

For the moment, perhaps his Forge should be an Item of Power instead.  Normally speeding up crafting would be pretty awesome, but since I'm limited in terms of slots, I'm not sure how useful it would be. 

DFRPG / Re: Having trouble with character creation
« on: November 23, 2012, 05:52:47 PM »
Wow, thanks for all the help, guys.  And the patience.  But I thought you spent additional enchanted item slots to increase the per session uses of an enchanted item.  Isn't it more expenses to expend a focus item slot?

I'm also looking at Place of Power.  I'm not really clear on how Sponsored Magic works, but every Smith has his Forge so that popped out at me. 

Edit: misread a reply

Edit #2:  Also where are specializations detailed?  I haven't found them.

DFRPG / Re: Having trouble with character creation
« on: November 23, 2012, 05:19:25 PM »
Could I also take a Thaumaturgical focus item specialized in crafting to give an effective bonus to Lore?  For instance.  Say I had a +4 Lore, could I take a +2 focus item to increase that Lore specifically with regards to how powerful my enchanted items/potions can be?

Also, I'm considering a new High Concept:  The Goddamn Batman...With Magic

DFRPG / Re: Having trouble with character creation
« on: November 22, 2012, 10:09:06 PM »
Well I don't have any intention of churning out things on the level of the Swords of the Cross or anything.  Like you said, it's more of a justification for his churning out lots and lots of regular items. 

As far as the double heritage goes...I probably should have provided more background on the character.  BOTH his parents are sorcerers.  Both had decided they wanted nothing more to do with the supernatural.  By the time he discovered his magic, he was already in his junior year at MIT.  The very first item he created (one he may or may not have anymore, but it's part of his backstory) gave him a sort of extremely limited divination and he immediately went to a casino.  He barely managed to escape that encounter in one piece (This was his First Adventure) but it did not leave him unscarred.  Now he carries the weight of a sort of "karmic debt" (his Trouble.  think constant, extremely bad karma unless he's constantly doing things that would earn him "good karma").  Of course, he had trouble figuring out the nature of the weird problems he was having, so he took some of his "ill-gotten" gains and hired the only wizard listed in the phone book...

As far as the magic items go, I've been looking at the spellcasting chapter and I'm starting to understand.  A glove that threw out baseball sized fireballs would be an Evocation(attack), whereas a ring that had a sort of "fire-telekinesis" would be Evocation(maneuver) correct?  How would you stat Harry's jacket?  A block?   

DFRPG / Re: Having trouble with character creation
« on: November 22, 2012, 09:06:26 PM »
Ok, I very much like the idea of Human Form, thank you.  As far as Wuxia "flying" goes my first instinct was to just "Wings" and say that the benefit of not having giant wings sticking out his back is balanced by the fact that he has to land every so often, but I'm too new to the system to know if that's a fair trade or not.  I should have considered it, what with the Alphas being described as "wizards who only know a single spell"

Now, as far as the Item creating goes, I know its straitforward but I do want to make sure I do it justice.  While the Wuxia aspect was more difficult to stat, it's actually a lesser part of the characters concept.  His high concept is, "Truemaker"  It's an interesting little legend I came up with about how, when Noah was building the ark he discovered he wasn't going to finish in time, until one of the Nephalim decided to help him, even though he didn't believe a flood was coming.  He just thought the idea of a structure that large was worth creating for its own sake.  For his help he earned a spot on the ark, but with the caveat that he would never be remembered (by history, not that he was forgotten by the people who knew him).  This carried on throughout his bloodline.  So now if there's a legendary artifact of enormous power people always suspect a Truemaker had something to do with it (at least if they don't know where it came from)

So obviously I want his magical constructions to be numerous and powerful (this probably means the Wuxia aspect needs to not take up too much refresh) and also fairly broad in what they're capable of.  I considered just taking Ritual (Casting) but I was worried I might be power gaming if I was suddenly able to do channeling or summoning because I had an item that let me do it. 

Also are there powers for doing various kinds of telekinesis (like say, restricted to air or fire) or basic magic attacks like a baseball sized burst of fire?  Like I said, this system is kicking my ass.

DFRPG / Having trouble with character creation
« on: November 21, 2012, 03:47:59 AM »
Ok. I am not new to rpgs.  I've played D&D, WoD, Exalted, and others...but for some reason this system is really kicking my ass.  To be fair, I haven't had a lot of time to dive into it, but I still feel that I should understand it better than I do. 

So I'm trying to create a sorcerer (and a fairly powerful one) who has no facility for Evocation.  Instead he has two basic tricks.  One is that he's a damn prolific potion/item creator.  The other is that his bloodline goes back to good old-fashion flying monks.  But rather than being able to use those abilities all the time, I was hoping to give him a rote spell that let him invoke increase speed, toughness, super-jumping, etc but I don't really know the system well enough to stat that.  (And I can't find mobility related powers anywhere other than wings).  Basically the (mechanical) concept here is that he's even more about preparation than a wizard. 

I'll check in on this thread tomorrow.  Unfortunately I can't stay up any later.


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