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Messages - TruffleMuffin

Pages: [1]
DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Small Favor
« on: December 07, 2012, 08:37:12 PM »
From here, it seems the entire plot of TDF is a giant, decades-long game of chess between Mab and Nemesis, with Uriel on the side giving advice/subtle help. Jim Butcher is a F***ing genius.

Longer, I would posit the WOJ regarding how Margaret could of gotten a lot better deal out of Lea is because Lea was there at Mabs bidding. A kind of cut out, attempting to get some link to a 'Starborn' without anyone realising how important it was. Margaret making a deal with Lea to be a Godmother is one thing, Margaret making a deal with Mab to be a Godmother is a whole other kettle of fish.

Mab later bargaining for Harry from Lea just after she gets the Athame. Perhaps Mab see that she may lose Harry to the Adversary through Leas corruption and acts to prevent that from happening. More than just trying to get three favours out of our favourite wizard, she is bargaining for a 'Starborn' to be her Knight. Side note, could have been she didnt actually bargain anything here, could of just been an arrangement between Lea and Mab when Lea originally bargained with Margaret.

I suspect perhaps it may have been the fact Harry was to be a 'Starborn' that would of allowed Margaret to bargain for such immense benefit, and had she realised the significance (perhaps she couldn't see past the Sidhes game at the time considering being on the run from White Council and White Court and perhaps others) of her sons birth to bargain for more.

1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?

I feel this is going to be a Fairy based book, Harry is pretty smart. There will be no main sidekick, Harry will mistrust everyone. Mab will play the most significant contribution to the plot, we will probably see a great of interaction between them.

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago. 

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead? 


b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?

I actually hope he doesn't snark, and just smiles then walks back through to the Never Never after helping his friends out discretely.

c. Who will have the coolest reaction?

Rodriguez, he will be there and likely make a pop culture reference on Harrys behalf

d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

Eb, he just got his grand kid back from the presumed dead.

- In each case, remember to specify for extra credit.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?

Hes going to rely on knowledge. Before, he traded for personal gain, now he trades for Winters gain, there is no or not as much cost to the knowledge. He will actually find out useful information before finding himself in quicksand without a rope.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?

I havent really thought about this, so much so the blurb kind of caught me off guard. I think it will be a demon of significant influence. Perhaps not one of significant power but their death will be a strategic blow to demonkind.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?

To kill with Magic. As I understand it, as an agent of Winter he is now longer bound by the Laws of Magic.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much garunteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

Limited, I think this may get brushed over for this book considering everything else that goes on. I think the Fix/Harry relationship will devolve to counterparts as it should be. Neither one knowing what the others real agenda might be. Previously, Harry was essentially a neutral party to Fix and Lily, no longer.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?

I would not be surprised if we did not learn of all the major players through Mab. The knowledge will be offered the low price of killing this ''one immortal''.

8 ) There are many WAG theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.

Dont follow any

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.

I hope there will be a scene involving a public gathering of the White Council where Harry personally confronts the Merlin, hopefully by shooting him with a gun. He may use an empty chamber, just to illustrate a point regarding any thoughts the Merlin might be having regarding Mollys fate.

The event if it does happen will be an attempt to make it appear as though Harry has severed all ties with the Council in favour of Winter. Probably under advice from Mab in order to allow for Black Council members within the Council to make a mistake believing Harry is no longer an issue.

DF Reference Collection / Re: WOJ: Hexenwufl solved
« on: April 29, 2012, 05:02:27 PM »
Seems to me like Peabody is a good candidate.

He wrote the book on how to summon the Erlking, which upon being summoned immediately tried to begin the wild hunt. Which kinds of indicates that it was a personal area for extensive research for him.

He is a wizard fairly capable. He was fairly high up in the White Council.

He has used black magic, AND He has black magic to control minds.

He (presumably) is in league with the Black Council/Circle. Though thinking on it, you would think he would of had a copy of his book lying around to help out Cowl and Kumari which suggests a certain individuals acting for the same greater goals but without contact esk feel to the Black Council. Sorry rambling there.

Just my two cents.

Display Case / Re: Things Harry Dresden Is No Longer Allowed to Do
« on: April 16, 2009, 10:46:15 PM »
I will not provoke the Merlin when his hand is twitching violently.

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