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Messages - Apocrypha

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Author Craft / Re: The "Urban Fantasy" Category
« on: November 13, 2011, 01:00:53 PM »

Author Craft / Re: iGoogle learning/writing possibilities
« on: August 02, 2011, 10:39:20 PM »
That idea certainly sounds interesting.  Would we all write the same character or would we write separate characters from their own point of view in the same story?

Author Craft / Re: First verses Third
« on: July 08, 2011, 03:04:23 AM »

Tell us why you think your 1st is choppy. Maybe you want to post a couple chapters of the 'choppy' version for us to ponder on?

Well, post it somewhere else, then put the link here.  I think, but I could be mistaken, we're not allowed to actually post our own work here directly.  :)

Author Craft / Re: First verses Third
« on: July 04, 2011, 05:46:13 PM »
Both certainly have their merits, I won't deny that.  I don't have time to get in depth right now, but I'll give a very general opinion.

Third person allows for a little bit more freedom.  You can swap character point of view easily and follow events that the narrator in a first person event wouldn't have any knowledge of.  Basically, it can be a bit easier to get inside more heads.

First person I have felt can be limiting.  To some degree, depending on the genre of course, I find first person perspective less dramatic.  No matter how badly the character gets beaten, or threatened, or whatever happens, you know the character is going to live or else how do they tell the tale?  Now as I said, it depends on the genre.  Involve a character in a world of magic and actual gods roaming the earth then it is possible for a character to die and still keep the tale going.  However, set the story in the year 2010 in a world identical to our own, well, death is permanent, therefore I feel it is less dramatic.  Sometimes first person can also limit the amount of heads you can tell the story from as sometimes it can confuse the reader.  If you're sticking with one head then first person works quite well as long as you remember your narrator can only speculate as to what is going on in someone else's head and not actually know (unless of course the genre allows it lol).

I'm sure someone more eloquent than myself will stop by shortly and give you a better idea.

Though most of all, I support whichever perspective you feel the most comfortable with.

Perhaps try writing the same scene in each way and see which works best for you.  If all else fails, write a chapter or two of the story from both perspectives to judge and even let a beta reader take a look at it.

I saw Stan Lee in a similar discussion over 30 years ago. I hope this will be as fun and interesting.

Aren't you only 33?  ;)

Author Craft / Re: New names for old races.
« on: January 21, 2011, 12:27:36 AM »
How will the Orc tribes be naming themselves?  After animals or virtues or traits?

I like Snowleopard's idea of them basing their names after the goddess they follow.

Author Craft / Re: New names for old races.
« on: January 19, 2011, 03:13:28 AM »
Do the names have to be in English?  Do they only have one "name" for each race?

The way I see it is that they could have several names.  One in the language that the Humans would use, for simplistic sake we can call that English.  Then they could have one name for themselves in their own language and then a third name in the native tongue of the other race.

For example, say we just use your basic terms:

Human tongue - Orc
Orc tongue - Hu'chi Bu'chi - Loosely translated means "Life's Children"
Vampire Elf tongue - Sa La My - Loosely translated means "Primative" (now I'm not saying they view each other as hostile, but you never know)

Human tongue - Human
Orc tongue - Snu'chi Bu'chi - translated means "Time's Children"
Vampire Elf tongue - Pa Stra Mee - translated means "Weaklings"

Human tongue - Vampire Elf
Orc tongue - Smoo'chi Bu'chi - translated means "Death's Children"
Vampire Elf tongue - Bo Lo Nee - translated "Lords of All"

Just my spin on things as I would love to help.  Just wondering what you've been thinking of so far.  And don't forget that you can create your own words out of fake languages you want to make up yourself.  Tolkien did that.

Author Craft / Re: Hero vs. Heroine
« on: January 07, 2011, 09:44:57 PM »
Also, everyone always says vampires are done.  At a small con I went to last March, Jim's editor was there and said that editors say they don't want vampire stories because they've been done and overdone.  But they keep getting published because people keep buying them.

It sucks when what sells isn't what's really good.

Author Craft / Re: Hero vs. Heroine
« on: January 04, 2011, 01:14:21 AM »
I don't see exactly how gender matters as long as the story is entertaining and well written.

Author Craft / Re: Beta readers?
« on: November 19, 2010, 04:20:00 AM »
I'll probably ask people I know that I think can spare the extra time and I think would be good for different types of things--grammar/spelling, continuity, flow, timeline, etc.

You still have to be careful who you ask when it is someone you know personally.  I tried this once and a couple of them basically told me how everything I wrote was great when even I knew it needed more work.  They seemed more inclined to stroke my ego then question anything.  I probably could have handed them a grocery list and have them tell me it was better than Shakespeare.  ;)

Author Craft / Re: Chewing my nails... It's ready. Interested in reading?
« on: November 09, 2010, 12:43:18 AM »
I am interested in your greatness :)

Author Craft / Re: Necromancy and those that practice it
« on: August 08, 2010, 04:32:22 AM »
So capturing souls is a requisite? Interesting. That definitely puts a spin on things. Are there willing subjects who pledge their souls to a necromancer after death?

Yes the followers of that faction are more than willing and are the ones who are mainly brought back and maintained.  Souls not captured go to the plane of existence of their patron diety.

Do the souls have to be recently released from their corporeal state or can souls be coaxed back from the dead years later?

If the soul was captured, yes.  If the soul went to the plain of existence of their patron deity then a definitive no.

If you did want to use animals/contructs, you could have it fit into your mythology by saying that every (or most) living creatures have a soul. A lot of cultures did believe that animals/plants had a spirit. It should fit into your concept if you wanted to use it.

I would agree that animals would and do have souls but it wasn't something I thought of in length regarding this universe.  Though as the animals cannot exactly worship a patron deity to claim their soul then I would imagine there could be a prospect there worth exploring.

Author Craft / Re: Necromancy and those that practice it
« on: August 07, 2010, 05:38:21 PM »
I like it. I think intention would probably play a big role too. A necromancer directing zombies to pull children out of a burning orphanage is a lot different than said necromancer directing zombies to terrorize a town.

A couple things you may want to consider: how will society meet necromancers? Are they common or does the average person have no idea they exist. will necromancers ever be met with prejudice? People might automatically assume they're evil (or good) based on their practices.

They will be an underground faction.  The religion and politics of the world have the populace of the world believing in them as evil and thought to be wiped out.  Used by parents to scare their kids at night.  Basically the Necromancers were thought to be wiped out during a previous war and as the victors write history the Necromancers got painted as evil.  They would start working in secret, at night, where they can hide their appearance easier then finally rise up from their underground and secret city (yes, I know, cliché) and form an army to free the people.

What kind of zombies will they raise?  Do the undead minions retain any memories, skills, or personality from their former life?  What about decomposition? Will the bodies degrade or will the magic halt decomposition?

They will basically be souls placed back into their own bodies which are held together and repaired by magic.  In a sense, think of the crew of the Black Pearl from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie as a basis as each "zombie" will have their personality and memories intact, etc.  For the most part they are followers of a particular religion/philosophy/belief in this world.  One which the general public disagrees with.

But if they have some kind of will or memory that could make things more complicated. That could be really interesting and raise a lot of moral questions.

That will come into play actually.  As the necromancers have the ability to trap the souls of those who die (and who they kill) this will be dealt with in the world.  I would say more but then that is part of the concept and I don't want to give too much of the idea away.  But they would be able to "reanimate" their opponents if they wished.  They cannot reanimate just anything or anyone.  They can only reanimate something with a soul that they have captured.

Are they limited to humans? It might be cool for said necromancer to ride an undead mount. Maybe made of all bones. There's an interesting fairy tale witch I read about that rode a headless horse. The necromancer could raise all kinds of animals for useful purposes. Can they build their own undead chimera by mixing and matching body parts from dead animals? (Try a google search for the Tupilek, a creature from Native American folklore. Pretty cool, and might offer some inspiration.)

I hadn't really thought of that as of yet.  The only real sentient species on this world are humans who are broken into a bunch of different factions/beliefs/philosophies.  I guess the animation of animals and other critters/beasts would actually be a good idea and would certainly add bulk and flavour to their side and their atmosphere.  As for constructs, I'm not yet sure.  I will take a look at this Tupilek that you suggested.  But basically each faction has its own little "spin" to make them unique in that world.

Author Craft / Re: Cross Species Breeding in fantasy sifi
« on: August 07, 2010, 02:19:03 PM »
Even if they're bribed they might still give you up for more money.

Never trust anyone who can be bought as there is always a higher price.

So I suggest something more permanent....  ::)

Author Craft / Re: Necromancy and those that practice it
« on: August 06, 2010, 10:50:48 PM »
I am currently in the middle of "world building" and was thinking of putting a spin on things by having the necromancers (and their zombies) actually be the good guys for the change.

Thanks all again for the information as you've certainly helped.

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