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Messages - mal3607

Pages: [1]
I thought it was a fantastic event.  (Course I was lucky enough to have a blue band and was able to get everything signed that I wanted with little wait)  I"m not sure they were prepared for the turnout. 

Still, Mr. Butcher was kind and very patient I thought...he was engaging with the crowd in the Q & A and even avoided the stupid questions with sincerity.  ("Um, if you die, how are you going to end the series?"  Come on, what is wrong with you.  You want him to tell us the ending to the series now? Are you insane?)

Although I had only read the Dresden Books so far, the obvious joy in his writing and respect for the fans that he showed makes me want to pick up the Codex and start on those as well.  Thanks, Mr. Butcher.

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