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Messages - nickqueen

Pages: [1]
I finally got to listen to the interview. Pretty good. I wished the other two read the books so they could have contributed more to the interview. Finally I know what Jim's dog bree is. lol.

Glad you liked it. I'm working hard to turn the other two into fans.

Nick Queen

Are there any other interviews that are text? My dial up connection limits me - no access to streaming anything.

What breed?


I'm Nick Queen from Whispers Radio. If you want to hear this one I'd be more than happy to snail mail it to you. 56k suck, I know.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Are we missing an event?
« on: April 07, 2009, 01:55:21 AM »

I am a talk show host for a paranormal themed radio show in Wheeling, WV that is also distributed as a podcast on the net called Whispers Radio. I am also a huge Jim Butcher and Dresden Files fan. Tomorrow, April 7, 2009, we are interviewing Jim Butcher on our show about the release of the latest Dresden Files book, Turn Coat.

Learn more about our show here:

You can listen to the show online and live by going here:

If anyone wants to call in and ask him a question we are doing the interview at 7:00PM Eastern Time. The number to call in is 1-866-514-1600

Feel free to call in and ask Jim a question!

Nick Queen
Whispers Radio

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