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Messages - Bus Guy

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Chicago Signing
« on: April 06, 2009, 06:29:29 PM »
I'm planning to drive to Chicago to get some of the signing action. I was wondering if there were any plans to meetup before the signing with forum members?

Hey, I'm new to these forums, and have only been reading the books for a couple months, in fact I stayed up late last night to finish Dead Beat.

Myself and another guy from another message board (The Straight Dope) are meeting at 9 PM tonight at the Ditka's located right across the street from Borders.  Google Ditka's in Oakbrook, it's on the ground floor of an office building at Rte 83 and 22nd Street in Oakbrook.  We'll hang out there a bit, and head over around 10:30 for the fun at Borders.  Dex looks like Cary Grant (he said that not me), I'll be in jeans and a vaguely pumpkin colored pullover.  That's all the clues you get.

But stop in anyway!

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