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Messages - Abhoth

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DFRPG / Re: DFRPG for The Old Kingdom?
« on: December 03, 2013, 01:48:42 AM »
I don't know the Old Kingdom, but if it is as far away from DFRPG as Sanctaphrax says, looking towards Fate Core might be a way to go for you. It's the latest version of the Fate System, and it starts out more generic for you to work with. DFRPG is already heavily tweaked to fit the Dresden Files.

I do have the Fate Core and a copy of the PDF's of the Fate Core tool kit / expansions however DFRPG has already done part of the work for magic and that one seems easier to start with. However I am still in the process of looking at all this.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG for The Old Kingdom?
« on: December 03, 2013, 01:44:03 AM »
Ok so this is what I come up with so far:

Charter Magic: Two areas: Evocation (+3), Thaumaturgy (for Wall Magic) (+3) are for a "master charter mage" like one of royal blood. Most other charter mages would have a specific Ritual (for wards etc) or a chanelling (for healing, Fire, etc). Specializaitons/refinements would be bonus's to healing, a specific element of the charter, Thaumaturgy in general things like that.

The Claryr site is a Psychic ability not Spell casting.

Free Magic: Again two areas for master free mages: Evocation (+3), Thaumaturgy (Summon and binding Free Magic Elementals). But Free Magic would also be more generally seen as specific channellings or rituals. Refinements would be specific parts of Free Magic like summoning, Destruction, Mind Control. Things like that.

Bell Magic (Or Necromancy): I thought long and hard about this and decided that given the feel of hte novels and the idea that the bells while not exactly sentient do make the user do things they do not want to if the bells are not used properly, I have decided to make Bell Magic like a Sponsered Magic (It gives a +1 Evocation/+1 Complexity for Thaumuatury for effects/trappings specifically related to the effects of the Bells (I can post what the Bells cover if anyone wants). Also like you can use certain skills to boost other skills, Bell Magic can be used to "seal" or "enhance" both Free or Charter Magic in the same way. Bell Magic is also the way you Bind, Banish or summon the Dead (a combination of Evocation and Thaumuaturgy and like say Kimmerlian Necromancy Bell Magic allows you to do some Thamuaturgic rituals as fast as evocation as long as it is stricly along the trappings of the Bell or Neromantic). The cost is +2 if you already are a Charter Mage or Free Mage or more if you do not have those as per the normal rules for sponsored magic.

Bell Magic would also be specific for either Charter Magic (A combination of the Free Magic of Bells and Charter to contain them) or 100% Free Magic! Bells while "sponsored magic" are also a physically enchanted Item as well.

I am still working on things like the Dead (Metamorphic horror's that can eat life itself and grow powerfull, eventually becoming greater dead), Shadow Hands ( A more powerful version of the dead that have many abilities but do not need a corpse to be in Life, can instantly suck the life out of some one killing instantly and Free Magic Elementals (which have a unlimited array of things but are strongly able to shift their shape).

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG for The Old Kingdom?
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:13:42 AM »
I've read the books (ages ago), but I've never tried to use DFRPG for the characters in them.

What sort of stuff do you envision your players doing in an Old Kingdom game?

My first thought is that many of the physical powers in DFRPG might not be appropriate for the Old Kingdom. I don't remember many super-powered slugging matches in those books.

Well mainly the physical powers would be reserved for the powerful Free Magic Elementals and the Dead (lesser, medium and Greater). Many of those things displayed Toughness and Recovery, Speed and Strength. However mainly my players would want to be Charter Mages/Free Magic independent sorcerers thinking they can use Free Magic for good and Necromancers come wannabe Abhorsens. So essentially I am looking at the way I could do magic.

Charter Magic: Seems to be split into a few different areas:

Standard Charter Magic (Controlling the elements, making charter sendings, shape shifting things like that)

Wall Magic (a specialization of Charter Magic) allowing much greater enchantment and item creation.

The Gift of Sight: The Clayr's ability to see the future (a ritual or psyhic ability? it differently is of the Charter)

Then you have Free Magic:

Standard Free Magic: The provence of actual Destruciton (only free magic can directly annihliate something, you can destroy something with charter via fire but not "utterly destroy" like you can with Free Magic), summoning and binding, amongst other things.

Necromancy or Bell Magic: Bell Magic and Necromacner are essentially joined at the Hip but bell magic can be used on things other than the dead. Essentially Bell Magic/Necromancy is how one controls the dead but the bell magic can also be used to influence the charter/humans and free magic creature.

I am unsure how to approach this directly so far. I am still thing of the best way to go, ie wether to have Free Magic, Necromancy (Bell Magic) and Charter Magic be free seperate themes of magic (Like evocation or specific element evocation or ritual magic) and than have the other flavours like Wall makers be specializations within that area of magic.

DFRPG / DFRPG for The Old Kingdom?
« on: November 30, 2013, 01:58:21 PM »
Anyone here familiar with the trilogy by Garth Nix called The Old Kingdom or The Abhorsen series? I really enjoyed those novels and was thinking of using the fate system ala DFRPG to create a campgain for my players.

I am just starting out and wanted to know if anyone else had already done this or if anyone had any suggestions. Thanks !

Cheers :D

DFRPG / An aside Question "Iron Kingdoms Conversion"
« on: January 01, 2011, 07:04:29 AM »
Hi Im really not great at coversions but I am looking to run a game on my other weekend (I run my Harry Dresden RPG once a fortnight atm) and was thinking of Iron Kingoms (a old RPG by privateer press) however the game has since been abandonded by the company the books are hard to find (its very easy to get the background fluff at various wiki's) and there in 3.5 ed DnD and I loathe 3.5 or earlier anyway (Ironically I like 4ED) so I was thinking do you all think it would be easier or very hard to convert Iron Kingomds into the Hary Dresen version of the Fate System assuming of course some here has played both games :) ?

DFRPG / Request for Character creation critique (new players, new gm).
« on: August 09, 2010, 11:31:53 AM »
Hi everyone I have some links to the fillable character pdfs for some of my characters, if you wouldnt mind having a look and letting me know what you think. I think one of the most difficult parts was coming up with Phase Aspects that could work during game play some of the aspects my players came up with I just cant see how I would work them in a game. If you can prehaps suggest a way of doing so or maybe a alternative approach. For the moment here is the first character:

EDIT I was sent a private message telling me the links were busted will post them later then. Im pretty sure they were working before.

DFRPG / Re: Using DFRPG for True Blood
« on: August 09, 2010, 11:09:03 AM »
Actually they are compelled to sleep in the day.  Staying awake requires tremendous effort (spending fate points to buy off the compel) even if they stay out of sunlight (they start to leak blood from their ears, eyes, nose, etc.).

Is this from the novels? because from what I ahve seen of the TV show (upto date with 3rd season) vampires had no issue been awake during the day as long as they avoided direct sunligh and even then it took a long time for a vampie to die to direct sunlight from what we were shown. Just so you know I am basing my stuff all on the TV show I have not read the novels as I prefer the TV show :)

DFRPG / Re: Question on how catch's work (in ref to Toughness)
« on: August 08, 2010, 09:58:58 AM »
Carefully read The Catch.  It clearly says "This will give you a discount on the total cost of any and all Toughness category powers that you take..."

Recovery powers are under the Toughness Category.

So if I wanted to apply this to other power categories where catch's are not normally used like either spell casting or faeire powers would it work the same way?

Cheers my google fu failed :(

DFRPG / Question on how catch's work (in ref to Toughness)
« on: August 08, 2010, 08:42:22 AM »
Ok just a quick question on how catch's work for supernatural powers. Lets start with the Toughness group, lets say I have +4 Catch (its somthing everyone can get and its easy to find out about it) Silver bypass's my recovery/tougness. Lets say I buy Supernatural Recovery (-4) and Inhuman Toughness (-2). Now does the Catch appy to each power seperately or to the total cost of the powers section for toughness? Ie the +4 Catch reduces the Supernatural Recovery to -1 and Tougness to -1? For a total of -2?

How does this work for other power categories that may have catch's like say Faerie does the catch apply to the whole category or individually (so in the above case the +4 Catch is over kill as it would reduce the Recovery to 0 and the toughness to +2, which is not allowed as the min cost is -1).

Is my question clear is the abyssal mud of dead R'lyeh?

DFRPG / Re: Using DFRPG for True Blood
« on: August 08, 2010, 08:37:34 AM »
Ooh, Echoes of the Beast. Yeah. You're right. Okay, revised writeup:

Addictive Blood [+0]
Blood Drinker [-1]
Echoes of the Beast (Extra Trapping: Can identify things by blood-smell with Alertness) [-1]
Incite Emotion (Obedience, Lasting Emotion, Requires direct eye contact instead of touch) [-2]

Human Form [+2], completely helpless during the day, lose powers as long as they are touched by silver, applying to everything except
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
The Catch is Sunlight, Silver, and Stakes Through the Heart [+4]

Feeding Dependency (Blood) [+1] effecting;
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]

That's -7 Refresh. Assume Bill also has Supernatural Speed or Strength (and maybe both if he's an NPC), and good combat skills and I think we've got ourselves some solid True Blood Vampires that are still usable as PCs.

Hello remember that a vampire isnt helpless during the day they can and do move around and have thier full powers its just thats when the rest and of course sunlight will killl them. SIlver sounds right thou. However I think the speed is not high enough to accurately depicate what we see in the show, I say at least Supernatural Speed for a True Blood Vampire.

I ask every game store in Australia I could find a phone number for, none have anything like fudge dice. So I need to get it from Evil Hat myself at this stage it seems or is there some where else?

DFRPG / Re: Quick Rules Q: About Stress starting level
« on: August 08, 2010, 08:32:34 AM »
Awesome thank you, Can you tell me what your hunger stress starts at? is it 2+your Discipline?

DFRPG / Quick Rules Q: About Stress starting level
« on: August 08, 2010, 07:54:19 AM »
Does your starting level for your stress's (mental, social, Physical) really only equal the bonus of the assoicated skill, meaning if some one doesnt have the skill they have no stress? Or is there a misprint in my book or did I miss a rule somewhere?

Thanks for your help

DFRPG / Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« on: August 08, 2010, 07:52:17 AM »
What pdf reader should I use to be able to save data? acrobat reader wont do it.

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