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Messages - C K Dexter Haven

Pages: [1]
Thanks, 'Michael'.

Interestingly, the website page doesn't describe exactly what Duckon *IS*... a gaming con? a sci fi con? an animal appreciation con?

Agree with Shingetsu.

They started with a Q-and-A in which Jim was charming and witty. He could have done improv or stand-up comedy. Then there was a costume show, perhaps a dozen people in costumes -- mostly Harry (although, I have to say, just wearing a duster doesn't make you Harry) but a cute Pizza 'Spress, a Murphy, and a Max the Bartender. Then came a long stretch where he signed older books that people brought, based (pretty much) on the order in which people showed up. Had I know then what I know now, I would have got there three or four hours early, got my color tag, and then gone off for supper and a movie and come back at 10. Oh, well. At midnight, they started selling TURN COAT, and many people just bought pre-autographed copies and left rather than wait for personalization.

The lines were verrrrry slow, in part because Jim (gentleman to the core) chatted with everyone, posed for pictures, and was just as pleasant and nice to each person as could be. And, of course, there were people in line buying 10 copies of TURNCOAT.

I wanted my old books signed as well, so I had to wait. I did get the first twelve chapters of TURN COAT reat while waiting, so it wasn't a total loss. And waiting in a bookstore is not bad, from one point of view (and is terrible from a don't-spend-money point of view.) So, I got to the Borders at 10 on the nose, and wasn't back in my car until 1:15 AM.

But, all worthwhile to have the personalized signed copies.

At midnight,

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