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Messages - Arkteia

Pages: [1]
Site Suggestions & Support / Re: PM notifcation email not working
« on: June 23, 2010, 07:07:19 PM »

Unfortunately mine still aren't working either...

As patience is a mild form of despair described as a virtue I will be patient :)


thank you Blaze
thats really sweet
no-way on earth
can I compete

My wit is stale
it's such a crime
I just can't write
in witty rhyme


Disclaimer: Anything I post in here is entirely due to Angelrelic  ::) :P ;)

I like poetry
It gives me a thrill
til I found Mosseburger
Now it gives me a chill

AR gave me
a link to this
shouldda listened to my momma
and gave this thread a miss

I look again
it makes me laugh
seeing you all rhyme
in wit and mirth and gaff

I like wit
and happy places
with stuff from AR
Duck, everyone! and of course Blazes

I hope this
little rhyme of mine
has a place in this thread
cos lets face it,its not divine

thank you guys
I get a thrill
from really bad witty rhymes
I'm laughing my socks of still

Anyone want a spare stocking?  ;D

Thank you  :)

I feel like a real member now asking for a split  :D but I think

Undertown - The UNofficial Forum Chat Room needs split it's on page 107,12391.990.html

Author Craft / Re: Feedback on a snippet from my new project?
« on: April 10, 2009, 02:01:08 PM »
I am intrigued

For the time it's taken you it's quite good - maybe needs a little edit here and there in my humble opinion but I hope you write more  :) I'm curious to see where it's going - more please


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