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Messages - Stormbringer

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I went as well and would have posted if I hadn't spent darn near ever free second of the last 24 or so hours reading Turn Coat.

It was a pretty cool event.   The Q & A was interesting and Jim, as other have mentioned, made it very entertaining.  I'm glad I made it out for that alone.

I got my copy of Turn Coat, obviously, and got it and a couple of the other books signed.  I was near the back of the line, so it was late, but Jim kept signing until every got their chance.   Given how many people there were, and how many brought tons of books and other items, that must have been a long slog.

I don't know if he's reading this but if he his:  thanks, it was a great evening.   I hope it happens again for the next book. 

I went last night as well.  Am I wrong, or had Jim never mentioned the titles of the Capstone trilogy yet?

The titles are..."Hell's Bells", "Stars and Stones", and "Empty Night", as announced by Jim last night.

I know he's mentioned them before, here I believe.   But some of the other tidbits he mentioned definitely seem new. 

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