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Messages - whoknowswhy

Pages: [1] 2
DF TV Series / Re: Thanks to all our great fans!
« on: April 24, 2007, 09:40:38 AM »
NO, really, *insert blushing smilie that we really ought to have here*  Thank YOU!

Author Craft / Re: Succubus Blues
« on: April 03, 2007, 12:02:49 AM »
Picked this up on my way to vacation last week and read it on the beach.  Taking into consideration that I am often overly fond of books that I read on the beach, ;D I throughly enjoyed this.  Hard to believe it's a first novel.  I liked Georgia right away, and like someone else on this thread said, the fact that she is a strong female without being a 'tough as nails bitch'.  The other characters were well-developed too.  All in all a good read.  Looking forward to the continuation. 

Branson, MO? Arkansas?  Not to 'dis' anyone but....HAWAII...Fiji, um...Bora Bora?  Someplace exotic and relaxing.  That's a vacation.

I live on the west coast, so been to Hawaii several times.  Right now I'm thinking Spain.  Especially southern Spain.

Sigh.  I always forget that you west coast people go to Hawaii the way we here in the midwest go to Florida.  When my husband and I were on Maui we couldn't believe the number of 'family vacationers'. Our flight was eight hours!

Branson, MO? Arkansas?  Not to 'dis' anyone but....HAWAII...Fiji, um...Bora Bora?  Someplace exotic and relaxing.  That's a vacation.

Robert, does your production company own the Dresden Files merchandising rights?  Will you be releasing any cool stuff for us?  ;D

God, I wish.  That's up to Lionsgate.  I certainly hope so.

So do we!  So do we!

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: February 08, 2007, 12:39:33 AM »
Another question that popped up when reviewing Birds of a Feather. In the opening scene, Laura states that she feels "strangely rested, despite the lack of sleep". Are we to assume that sex with Harry is rejuvenative?   ::)

Interesting question. I hadn't thought of that.  I just thought we were supposed to assume that Harry has a lot of....stamina.   ;D

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: February 04, 2007, 08:45:28 PM »
You possess not an uncommon name, evidently. I've been recruited by the dreadedhighschoolreunion committee and was thumbing through an old yearbook.  Turns out I went to school with a Robert Wolfe (Class of '82). He was Catholic, too, as I recall.  But he went by "Bobby" and he's in prison now.  :o

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 29, 2007, 03:21:37 AM »
In defense of DF, closed captioning is pretty hit and miss.  Our television in the second grade wing has the CC stuck ON (and not one of the 'technological wizards' in our building can figure out how to get it OFF) so everytime we watch a movie, the words are there.  Finding Nemo was hilarious.  None of Dora's (Dory?) lines come out making any sense at all.  I hope the kids aren't trying to read it, they'd be so confused!

BTW, Robert...this episode was GREAT.  Much better than last week's (and I liked last week's).   ;D

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 28, 2007, 11:06:02 AM »
Okay people have transcripts and viewed closed captions of show, all say "from" the council and you are saying for. So the script and closed caption is wrong?

There are no official transcripts on the web, only what people have transcribed themselves and posted (which probably violates copyright laws, btw).  As to closed captioning, having been exposed to a lot of it, it is very often wrong and/or makes no sense at all.  Robert, who undoubtably is the authority on this, assures us that it is FOR, not FROM.  I think I would take his word for it.  Paul is British, doing an American accent, I'm sure some words are harder to speak clearly than others.

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 28, 2007, 02:13:31 AM »

Okay, even after googling, I'm still stumped.  Care to let the unenlightened among us in on the joke? :D

No.   ;D

Snot!     :P

Oh, that's just the tip of the iceberg in the great Elmal/Yelmalio Retcon Incident.  The last little vestige of a vast and angry debate.  The internet fury was great!  Teeth were gnashed!  Flame wars devestated huge swaths of internet bandwidth.

It was horrible.  Only now, in these dark days of arguing over set layouts, props and show cars have I see the fires threaten to light with such fervor again.  Please, God, I pray to Thee, lead us not down that terrible path once again!

Just remember, there was always an Elmal.  Any time you remember when there was not an Elmal is a false memory.  Yelmalio is a God-Learner plot to confuse you. 

Also Joseph Sisko was never dead.  No matter what you heard Sisko say.   

And THAT only adds to my confusion.  Of course, it might be the Nyquil I just took.

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 27, 2007, 07:17:30 PM »
Priscillie, I am really glad that I am not the only one who could make absolutely no sense out of that.  I tried anagrams and everything.  Some help here, Robert...pretty please?

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 25, 2007, 07:00:53 PM »
Oh...please let him say that line!! 

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 24, 2007, 12:52:19 AM »
(Grunt. Want more Laura. *bangs stick* More Laura NOW. Grunt.)

(I liked Laura. Great facial expressions.)

I'm sure Harry feels the same way.  And I bet it has nothing to do with 'facial expressions'.  Nice try, Mickey. 

(btw, my name is Michele, and Mickey was my nickname when I was little. :) )

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 23, 2007, 10:45:56 PM »
One-off?  Does that mean we won't see it again?  Or Laura, I presume.

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 23, 2007, 04:12:12 PM »
He got into a car.  Do ghosts need cars?  Of course, I suppose there are other tings he could be.  Robert, any clues?  Or is it just what it seems?  Or do you not want to tell us?  :'(

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