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Messages - LadyKayoss

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Anyone know the area?  Any hotels/motels, bus routes, etc. that could help me plan a trip?  'Cause I'm dying to go!

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: March 05, 2009, 01:25:32 AM »
Hmm, none of these choices apply.  A friend of mine had been nagging me to try the series for awhile, effusively praising it and telling me I'd love it, but I'm the kind of person who, the more I'm pushed, the more I resist.  Even when my friend tends to be right.

I didn't meet Harry until I read My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding's 'Something Borrowed.'  I was completely clueless, and didn't really give the story another thought.  (Heresy, I know...)

Then, last year, I was combing through my library's teeny selection of fiction (85% romance, yech...) and found Fool Moon and Grave Peril.  I'm hesitant to start a series on the second book, but the first one wasn't even available through interlibrary loan, so I didn't have much choice.

And I'm a werewolf nut.  So I figured it wouldn't hurt to give Fool Moon a shot. 

By the end of that day, I was hooked.  The only thing that prevented me from going back for Grave Peril is that the library was closed for the weekend.  I've been a loyal fan ever since.

I'm seriously thinking about going to this.  It's close, it won't cost that much, and I'd get to see Jim Butcher and get Turn Coat.  I have a question, though.  How late is it going to last?  I've got a tiny budget, and things like hotels and taxis are... pricey.  If this is an all-nighter, it won't be a problem.  If not, I need to look into a place to stay.

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