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Messages - SQuigley316

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Alternate Locations for Dresden RPGs
« on: April 02, 2008, 06:47:23 PM »
While I don't have the rules for city creation produced for the Dresden Files RPG, I have been eager to run a game in this setting for awhile and have been coming up with my own Dresdenverse Philadelphia. 

The city has Poe influence (although not as much as the Evil Hat chosen city of Baltimore), has a tie to Bram Stoker while he was writing Dracula (could be a nice Black Court storyline) which was in the same hotel that the first Legionnaires outbreak occured in (thinking of tieing that to a Black Court massacre and cover-up as well), tons of Colonial American history obviously, has ethnic-culturally centered areas such as Chinatown (to the OP point of bringing in some Eastern traditioned genre supernaturals such as Jade Court and probably a dragon), Italian Market (had already created an NPC Old god named J. Peter Dieti, Jupiter modelled after the Odin character from Neil Gaiman's American Gods), Fairmount Park (which has been called "one of the largest urban parks in the country", making it an ideal Fey ground), all the hustle and bustle of a major city with some old world feel and a surrounding area that is brimming over with history and penache.

That said I have nothing too concrete overall storywise as I want to get my hands on the official RPG stuff for background and work it in before planning, although I will only be using the Dresden Files RPG as a guide and using the d20 system as it is the only system the group I play with will use.

DFRPG / Re: MCWOD and Dresden Files
« on: September 11, 2007, 02:47:11 PM »
I have to say I am very excited about this.  I have been trying to adapt some items in D20 Modern to fit what I am looking for in a Dresden Game and while I was and am going to pick up the DFRPG when it is released, I am a much bigger fan of the D20 system than the Fate system.  The $50 price tag seems a little steep but it sounds like it's well worth it ( well more likely the $32 price on Amazon or somesuch ) if it can help me get some Dresden Files goodness in at the gaming table. 

DFRPG / Gleemax Advisory Board
« on: June 13, 2007, 12:04:40 AM »
I just wanted to point out that Wizards of the Coast has this new community they are starting for gamers called Gleemax.  In their message to the community in general they make strong mentioning that this will be for the Gaming Community in general rather than just D&D and WotC Products and go as far as to setting up an Advisory Board which they want to be made up of people in the industry as well as fans. 

My own gaming background really doesn't cut it or add much to any type of board but I think it would be great to get someone who is really behind the Dresden RPG and Dresden Files in general involved so as we as a community have a voice.

The website is, just throwing it out there.

DFRPG / Re: Comments thread for "The Laws of Magic: Part 1 of 8"
« on: June 11, 2007, 08:34:45 PM »
That will depend strongly on the game you're running, but when I post up the First Law, you'll see how we talk about the issues in play that arise from breaking each one.


Keep it up, Mr. Iago Sir I can't wait to read the next update and eagerly await the finished product.  Thank you.

DFRPG / Re: Comments thread for "The Laws of Magic: Part 1 of 8"
« on: June 11, 2007, 06:58:19 PM »
Me likey.

Quick question though, which may answer itself as this is only part 1 of 8 but what can I say I am not a patient person.  Is it going to be explained beside taking the negative traits that go with breaking one of the Laws, how, how quickily, or if at all a Warden would be notifed of your action and be on your trail or is that going to be left up to the Game Master?

DFRPG / Re: On Baltimore
« on: March 01, 2007, 04:17:05 PM »
Besides, what other city could have given us Poe?

Poe lived & wrote in Philadelphia for six years.  His house is apart of the National Park Service and can be toured.  Also Bram Stoker wrote a part of Dracula in Philadelphia at the Bellevue Stratford (also the same hotel where the first cases of Legionnaires disease was documented) which could make for an interesting hook to include Kincaid and his former employers in.  Another cool thing is that anyone can go and talk to the ghost of Benjamin Franklin at the Lights of Liberty tour, they advertise it right in their brochure.  And the Masonic Temple across from City Hall could make for an excellent headquarters for the Venatori Umbrorum.  Fairmount Park is the largest municipal park in the world, which gives tons of great environments for the Faerie Courts.  And with a name like Martha Liberty how could Philadelphia not have it's own resident member of the White Council making it a prime target in the timeframe during the White Council/Red Court war.  That is if one was doing any research for a campaign set in Philadelphia.

DFRPG / Re: You know the Geek had to do it
« on: March 01, 2007, 03:21:22 PM »
Well, first of all, d20 is a really poor system for modelling the books.  Especially the magic system.  The sorceror is a decent way to model evocation, and the wizard would model thaumaturgy.  But only in the most rough terms.  And, of course, a sorceror/wizard is a terribly inefficient build, which would hamstring Harry.

See now with my group I just tweeked the magic system in the D20 modern system to use the psionics power point pool rather than normal spell selection, and allow the PCs to cut into their HP for extra points to use for spells to show how Harry can drain himself completely when using magic. It seems to work fine for us.

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