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Messages - smforbes

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Re: What should happen to Rudolph?
« on: May 13, 2021, 02:33:16 AM »
TBH, I doubt there will be any kind of reckoning inside the justice system or a court of law.  As others have pointed out, no body, no case.  And, setting personal preferences aside, depending on if/how/when Murphy comes back, it might be hard to convince people that she is/was actually dead versus presumed dead in legal terms.

That being said, I think there will be some kind of reckoning, whether it's with a baseball bat like Snakeboy or something of the more supernatural variety.  I'm personally not in favor of a redemption arc for him, but I won't lose any sleep if he gets one.

So, this is my first-ever post here (I've lurked for a while but finally made an account!) and honestly I'm really glad that I found this thread.  I haven't finished PT/BG yet for various reasons, but I was getting a really bad feeling about Murphy from the first few chapters of PT, so I skimmed ahead and ended up spending all last weekend grieving for a character I really, really loved. 

Murphy has been my favorite character since I started the series.  I'm also a five-foot-nothing woman, and a lot of Murphy's childhood backstory mirrors several of my own experiences growing up (nothing exact, but close enough).  I started reading these books in my late teens, and I felt like it was one of the first times I'd seen my own anger and struggles with trust reflected in a character I could both admire and relate to so closely.  Murphy was someone who had gone through really emotionally difficult times at a young age, but was still a badass.  From the first few chapters of PT, it looked like she and Harry had found a happiness that I think they both deserve.  I so strongly related to her on an emotional and personal level that her death really feels like a hit from a bomb.

I know there are a lot of people who don't like Murphy, but I'm just glad to see I'm not alone in relating to a character that has been one of the biggest reasons this series has been my favorite for over a decade.

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