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Messages - The_Harry_that_Laughs

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden Files Continuity Errors – There aren’t any
« on: October 01, 2020, 03:13:51 PM »
There were two points that stood out to me in Battle Grounds about 'inconsistencies'.

First, Soul Fire is different in this book. Before, Soul Fire used Harry's soul to supercharge his spells, use too much and poof no more soul. In BG, Soul Fire has an external source, left over stuff from the Big Bang, and Uriel gifted Harry an amount of it.

The second is about Murph, and that Harry has used his Sight and SAW her, twice. I would think this would have come up in the book. This Harry might not have SEEN her, and why he lamented about the Soulgaze.

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