The Bar / Holocaust denial in Turn Coat?
« on: September 27, 2020, 01:15:19 AM »
This is not a pleasant, or easy post to write--and yet it's one that I think needs to be written.
I discovered the Dresden Files over a decade ago, and fell in love with them. Naturally, when quarantine hit, I ordered a bunch of the old books to reread.
I was reading the last of them--Turn Coat--when I came across this excerpt between Harry and Captain Luccio:
"Yeah. It was really hard to tell who the good guys and bad guys were in World War Two."
She rolled her eyes. "You've read the histories written by the victors of that war, Harry. As someone who lived through it, I can tell you that at the time of the war, there was a great deal less certainty. There were stories of atrocities in Germany, but for every one that was true, there were another five or six that weren't. How could one have told the difference between the true stories, the propaganda, and simple fabrications and myths created by the pople of the nations Germany had attacked?"
When I read this, I stopped cold. I reread it three more times. I showed to a bunch of people. We all tried to figure out some other explanation to what this meant, and failed.
As far as I can see, Jim Butcher is trying to downplay, or perhaps outright deny, the Holocaust.
To be clear: the Holocaust is a proven fact. The murder of six million Jews is a proven fact. The horrific experiments done on babies and children is a fact. It has been proven again, and again, and again.
How does someone in today's day and age find it within themselves to deny such a thing?
I don't know what else to say. I really don't. Maybe someone else does. For me, this will the last of Jim's works I ever read.
I discovered the Dresden Files over a decade ago, and fell in love with them. Naturally, when quarantine hit, I ordered a bunch of the old books to reread.
I was reading the last of them--Turn Coat--when I came across this excerpt between Harry and Captain Luccio:
"Yeah. It was really hard to tell who the good guys and bad guys were in World War Two."
She rolled her eyes. "You've read the histories written by the victors of that war, Harry. As someone who lived through it, I can tell you that at the time of the war, there was a great deal less certainty. There were stories of atrocities in Germany, but for every one that was true, there were another five or six that weren't. How could one have told the difference between the true stories, the propaganda, and simple fabrications and myths created by the pople of the nations Germany had attacked?"
When I read this, I stopped cold. I reread it three more times. I showed to a bunch of people. We all tried to figure out some other explanation to what this meant, and failed.
As far as I can see, Jim Butcher is trying to downplay, or perhaps outright deny, the Holocaust.
To be clear: the Holocaust is a proven fact. The murder of six million Jews is a proven fact. The horrific experiments done on babies and children is a fact. It has been proven again, and again, and again.
How does someone in today's day and age find it within themselves to deny such a thing?
I don't know what else to say. I really don't. Maybe someone else does. For me, this will the last of Jim's works I ever read.