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Messages - Arha Ilene Masaari

Pages: [1]
I find, as I listen to Marsters spin this story, that I am getting wearier and wearier. It's a brutal book that is filled with slaughter and hopelessness aside from a few points. I'm at 31 right now and I just want it over with.

I pretty much figured out the Justine bit, so that comes as no surprise. I guess I'll check back in with you guys when Mab does her thing with Harry and Lara. Pointedly not looking forward to that.

Harry needs a vacation from all of this. A really long vacation.

I've never been so exhausted in my life getting through a book.

DF Books / Audiobooks & Bob's Romance Novels in Small Favor
« on: June 13, 2020, 06:16:48 AM »
Look here, I was minding my own business doing my first run-through of the Dresden Files like pounding Oktoberfest beer and Bob nearly murdered me as I was taking my evening pill. I wasn't expecting Bob's: RIP HER CLOTHES OFF as I was taking a second mouthful of sparkling water in.

So there's me, carbonated beverage about to murder me, go up my nose, carbonate my lungs as I avoid an epic spit-take.

Not. Expecting. Marsters to yell that. Quite. So. Well.

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